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I can't think of 3 specific examples, however most countries in and around the 19-20th centuries had some sort of eugenics-style program.

To be clear, eugenics is the practice of institutionalized mating of people for the purposes of "improving the race". This can be done by encouraging certain types of people to have children (as an example, trying to create more scientists by giving scientists who have kids a thousand dollars) or by legally or physically preventing someone from having children.

Patients in mental asylums all over the world were routinely sterlized, as were people with physical defects, alcoholics, criminals and others. Even the US engaged in such practices up until the turn of the 20th century.

However, the most famous example of large scale eugenics was the NAZI eugenics program where not only were criminals, minorities, the insane, the physically or mentally challenged, alcoholics, and others sterlized, but the S.S was in the process of creating a breeding farm where approved "Aryan" women would be expected to have intercourse with approved "Aryan" men (usually high ranking members of the S.S, but also others as well), give birth and repeat it all over again.

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There are two types: positive and negative. Positive eugenics involves advantaging people who have superior genes. Negative eugenics involves sterilizing people who have inferior genes.

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eugenics is a term referring to the science of improving the racial question of humanity through selective breeding of superior types.

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I am Sheldon Reed that answered this question, I identified geneitc counsleing in oppose to eugenics by joiajdlahedue

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