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Thomas Paine had several arguments for seeking independence for American colonists. These arguments included the impractical rule by the British because of the slow communication. He felt that Britain put the needs of the British before the American colonists. He also felt that the Britain would make American colonists commit to European wars that would hamper international trade that was needed.

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15y ago

Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet in 1776, Common Sense you might have heard of it from our history books. It was a pro-independence monograph pamphlet Paine published anonymously and within three months sold 100,000 copies throughout the American British colonies. It caused quite the controversy all over and attracted many with its simplicity of its style. The controversy was caused with the shock of the readers when they read Paine's undisguised hostility towards the British monarchy. Paine even went far as to label king George the III as "the Royal Brute of Great Britain". Common sense was very popular, the number of people converted to independence because of the pamphlet is unknown. Paine's arguments were barley used in public calls for Independence which suggests that Common Sense may have had a more limited impact on the fight for independence then sometimes believed. Personally i think Paine had a lot of guts publishing Common sense, even though he published it anonymously. He probably was hated by all loyalists.

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9y ago

As the war dragged on, more and more patriots began to think that the time had come to declare the independence, although they feared that most colonists was still loyal to the king. In January, 1776 how ever public opinion began to change when Thomas Paine published a lively and persuasive pamphlet called, Common Sense. Until common sense appeared nearly everyone viewed parliament , not the king , as the enemy . In common sense , Paine attacked king George 3. Parliament, he wrote, did nothing with out the king's support. Paine argued that monarchies had been set up by seizing power from the people. King George 3 was tyrant, and it was time to declare the independence

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10y ago

In Thomas Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense", he argued that it was common sense that the children (colonists) would break away from the parents (England).

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He argues that they could have done better on their own (apex)

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