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Q: What audience did the Declaration of Independence address?
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Who was allowed to vote according to the Declaration of Independence?

The US Declaration of Independence does not address the issue of who can or cannot vote.

How does Gettysburg address relates to the Declaration of Independence?

they are rubbish

Which documents address colonial concerns about English policies?

the Declaration of Independence the declaration of independence was written by the colonist to outline the reasons why they were unhappy with English policies

In what ways are the Declaration of Independence and Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address similar?

Lincoln refers to the Declaration and quotes from it in the first line of his address.

In what ways are the declaration of the independence and Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg address similar?

Lincoln refers to the Declaration and quotes from it in the first line of his address.

How many years were there between the declaration of independence and the Gettysburg address?


Are the declaration of independence and Gettysburg address the same things?

No they are not the same thing.

What was the first sentence of Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg address?

The Declaration of Independence

What document did Abraham Lincoln reference in his Gettysburg Address?

1-But in a larger sense we can not dedicate,we can not consecrate,we can not hallow this ground. 2-The brave men ,living and dead,who struggled here,have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract.

What common theme do the declaration of independence and the Gettysburg address share?

The importance of freedom

What caused colonists to call themselves Patriots or Loyalists?

The Declaration of Independence

This document called for the colonists' independence from England?

The Declaration of Independence