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The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Plan, was a compromise between the plan for representation that would benefit the smaller states (The New Jersey Plan which wanted an equal number of representatives for each state) and the plan that would benefit the larger states (The Virginia Plan which wanted representation based on population) It created our bicameral legislature with the House of Representatives having representation based on population and the senate having an equal representation of two senators for each state.

There was also the three-fifths compromise over how much a slave counted when counting population.

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The framers compromised in a number of areas: who elected the representatives and Senators to congress; what the representation was of each state; and how long each body would serve per term.

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Q: What compromises did the framers make at the constitutional convention?
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What important decisions did the framers make at the constitutional convention of 1787?

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What is the Constitutional Convention of 1787 called?

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was called in order to consider amendments to the Articles of Confederation, not to write another Constitution entirely. During deliberations over amendments to the Articles, it was realized that the Articles could not be patched up to make them workable. The framers began to think in terms of a completely different approach to a national government and created the Constitution. One irony is that some of the states never would have sent delegations to the Convention if they knew the Framers were going to create a whole new system instead of fixing the old one.State house, Philadelphia, PA. There is a copy of it at Knox Berry Farm in LA.

Why was it so difficult for the Framers to reach agreement about how to resolve their conflicts?

The Framers had several conflicts that caused them to make compromises. One was that the Framers came from different places. This affected their oppinion and made them think differently. They would argue for along time about what was right.The details of representation for the states.

Who were at the constitutional convention?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were in Europe so they couldn't make it to the convention. Patrick Henry was also missing it and he was against the convention.

What did the delegates at the Constitutional Convention plan to do with the Articles of Confederation?

They Planned to make changes to them

Why has the Constitutional Convention never again convened to propose an amendment to the Constitution?

Because a convention is not needed to make an amendment. That is the beauty of the constitution.

How did they make a Constitutional Convention?

They would get a group together and talk about what needed to be changed or written.

What compromises the delegates make during the convention?

1. The house of Reps : based on state.population 2. Each state would have equal # of votes in senate.

Why did people attended the Constitutional Convention?

They attended the convention because they were delegates from their state and wanted to make sure that their state views were represented as well as to make sure a good government was formed.

How did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention make sure that no branch of the government would have too much authority?


Why might delegates to the constitutional convention have made the constitutional so hard to change?

Because if they didn't make so hard to change they will be changing it all the time.