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Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, and later France.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Big Four of Austria, Prussia, Russia and the United Kingdom.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria

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Q: What countries attended the Congress of Vienna?
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What European powers attended the Congress of Vienna?

For starters, the coalition members PEAR = Prussia, England, Austria, and Russia

How did the Congress of Vienna affect power and authority in European countries after Napoleon's defeat?

The congress of Vienna attempted to reestablish the old constitutional monarchies through an elimination of nationalism. :)

What countries were represented at the congress of Vienna?

France was represented by Prince Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, England was represented by Lord Castlereagh, the Foreign Minister, Prussia was represented by Prince Hardenberg, Austria was represented by the Emperor of Austria. Russia was represented by the Czar himself, Alexander I, however Count Nesselrode also attended the conference for business reasons. There were a number of other countries, but the five main countries constituted themselves an organizing committee.

What was the most important goal of the congress of Vienna?

The most important goal of the Congress of Vienna was to create a more equal balance of power among countries. This was done partially by redrawing boundaries.

Why did the Congress of Vienna redraw the the boundaries of some European countries?

To Prevent the growth of Nationalism

How did Britains goals in the congress of Vienna differ from the countries in mainland Europe?

The answer is in of it's self

How many countries attended the 23rd international congress for the prevention of suicide?


Why did the congress of Vienna fail to bring peace to Europe?

The Congress of Vienna failed to bring peace to Europe because it might have helped to keep peace between countries external but it couldn't internal.

What did the statesmen who attended the congress of Vienna fail to foresee?

They failed to see how powerful new forces such as nationalism would shake the foundations of Europe.

What ways was the congress of vienna a success?

the congress reestablished a balance of power among European countries and brought peace between the nations

In what ways the congress of Vienna a success?

the congress reestablished a balance of power among European countries and brought peace between the nations