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England had a really big part on the Columbian Exchange. They were the ones who brought over plants, animals, livestock (cattle, pigs and horses), crops, tobacco, rice, corn, sugar cane, and people to enslave. This helped America because at the time we had nothing like that. After Christopher Columbus had come to the tropical islands, other explorers wanted to see the world themselves after his death. When they had slaves, they had them walk north to the point where they found New Mexico today but unnamed then. When they told their captans or leaders they went back to Europe. The families wanted to keep steady food and drinks for the people who stayed their and watched the slaves. After awhile, the native people picked up their habits and asked to take their items. That's when they had people send over foods for them. It all came from Europe so that is why they play such a big part in the Columbian Exchange.

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Great Britain was America's opponent, fighting to retain this part of North America as a British colony. However fighting the Colonials, as the fledgling Americans were known, from 1775 until 1781, America forced the British to grant them their independence.

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they battled

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Q: What did England have to do with the Revolutionary War?
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