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Government is not what the federalists feared to be the most apparent source of tyranny. The federalists supported the idea of government. They actually believed that the most apparent source of tyranny was the Majority Rule - that is to say they thought that the popular majority would be able to unite and "trample on the rules of justice". It was the anti-federalists who believed that government was naturally tyrannical.

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Q: What did the Federalists believe the most apparent source of tyranny was?
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What was the source of conflict between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists?

The Federalists were in favor of ratifying the Constitution because they wanted a strong central government; the Anti-Federalists were opposed because they supported decentralized power and greater individual and States' rights. The Anti-Federalists in some states had enough power to force the Federalists to compromise by withholding their ratification until the Federalists agree to add the Bill of Rights. Eventually, all thirteen original states ratified the Constitution.

What was the significance of the Jeffersonian revolution of 1800?

Jefferson thought he was pushing for a return to the Revolutionary War ideals. According to him the Federalists expanded the powers of government too much.

What did the anti-federalists stand for?

TheAnti - Federalists stood for a strong state government and either a weaker or equal national government thus the supremacy clause contradicted the anti - federalist view of government. They believed that Congress's limitless power to tax that is found in Constitution would infringe on the citizen's rights. Also they believed that the national government should not be allowed to have a standing army in times of peace. Lastly, the necessary and proper clause worried the anti - federalists because this gave power an unlimited source of power that some founders were afraid would be abused. Basically, the anti - federalist's had reasonable reservations about the ratification of the Constitution.

Is an encyclopedia a primary source?

No, an encyclopedia is a secondary source.

Where do people most like to visit in Asia?

This can only be a subjective answer. I would question any source that has hard facts on the answer to this question. I believe that visitors to Asia would most likely want to see the Great Wall of China.

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Is the Doppler effect is an apparent change in the resonance of sound?

No, the Doppler effect is not an apparent change in the resonance of sound. It is the shift in frequency of a wave (such as sound or light) due to the motion of the source or observer. This shift in frequency occurs when there is relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer.

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The apparent frequency does not depend on who is in front.

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The apparent change in pitch of a moving sound source is called the Doppler effect. It describes how the frequency of the sound waves perceived by an observer changes as the source of the waves moves relative to the observer.

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"It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact that no one has heard before." -Source Unknown"I often wish that I could rid the world of the tyranny of facts. What are facts but compromises? A fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease." -Source Unknown"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please." -Mark Twain

What is the apparent change in the freqency of a sound caused by the motion of either the listener o the source of sound?

The apparent change in frequency of a sound caused by the motion of either the listener or the source of sound is known as the Doppler effect. If the source is moving towards the listener, the frequency appears higher (higher pitch), and if the source is moving away, the frequency appears lower (lower pitch).

What is the apparent change in frequency of a sound as the source moves in relation to the listner?

The apparent change in frequency of a sound as the source moves in relation to the listener is known as the Doppler effect. If the source is moving towards the listener, the frequency heard is higher (shifted towards higher frequencies), and if the source is moving away from the listener, the frequency heard is lower (shifted towards lower frequencies).

The Doppler effect of a passing siren results from an apparent change in?

The Doppler effect of a passing siren results from an apparent change in frequency as the source of the sound moves relative to the observer. This change causes the pitch of the sound to either increase (higher frequency) as the source approaches or decrease (lower frequency) as the source moves away.

Is the Doppler effect is an apparent change in the resonance of a sound?

The Doppler effect is an apparent change in frequency or wavelength of a wave as perceived by an observer moving relative to the source of the wave. It is not specifically related to resonance but can affect the perceived pitch of sound as the source and observer move relative to each other.

What term describes an apparent change in frequency of sound waves?

Doppler effect is the term that describes the apparent change in frequency of sound waves as a source of sound moves relative to an observer. This phenomenon causes the pitch of the sound to appear higher as the source approaches the observer and lower as it moves away.

How much source code can be used without infringing on copyright?

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this in the law, and no apparent pattern to judgments.