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Q: What does it mean to have a republic with a strong national government?
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How would a strong national government help to allow the constitution change?

Your question is far to vague. You need to explain what government and what constitution. How the people would react. hat you mean by strong.

What do you mean by republic?

A republic is a government where the people have elected or nominated a president. The people as well as the president have power together.

People opposed to a strong national government?

The anti-federalists were the opponents of ratifying the U.S. Constitution, because it would create a strong central government. Some of the noted anti-federalists were Patrick Henry, George Clinton and James Monroe.

Is the United States a representative republic?

Technically, no. By definition, all republics are representative in some form, since "republic" means "rule by elected officials", and elected officials are representative of the people who elected them. To use the term "representative republic" is just redundant. While it was used in the past by at least one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, it actually doesn't mean any more than just saying "republic". However, there are many countries that call themselves republics that are actually run by military dictatorships or religious leaders, and do not really have representative government, so the term "representative republic" could be used to emphasize countries that are truly representative.

What does federalism mean in the constitution?

All this means us power is shared between the central (national) government and the states.

Related questions

How would a strong national government help to allow the constitution change?

Your question is far to vague. You need to explain what government and what constitution. How the people would react. hat you mean by strong.

What kind of government does the republican party believe you should have?

What do you mean by that? The word "Republican" comes from the concept of Republic, in which the generalized people make the government decisions: therefore, Rebublicans would want a Republic! If you are talking about American Politics, the Rebublican Party is generally biased towards industrial progressivism and capitalism.

What does federal republic of government mean?

It means Federal republic.....NOT COOL

What does republic mean 4 Kenya which is the government?

this is is a tough question but the answer is that republic is a type of government i which people give themselves power.

What does the word repubblica mean?

Repubblica is the Italian word for republic. A republic is a form of government. Therefore, repubblica is italian for a type of government, The United States is among the countries that has a republic form of government.

What type of government does the DR have?

If you Mean Dominican Republic They are Democratic

What was the Tripartite government in Ancient Rome?

We would not have Christianity. Both Catholic and Orthodox Christianity and their theologies and rituals developed in the Roman Empire and became the state religion of this empire.Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian would not exist because they were languages derived from Latin. Many English words would not exist either because they are of Latin origin. The alphabets of the western European languages would not exist or would be different because they have adopted and adapted the Latin alphabet.Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassical architecture would not have existed because they were modelled on Roman architecture. The influence of Latin literature on European literature would not have existed. The law of many modern countries is based on Roman law. This would not have happened.

What does federalisum mean?

deals with national government

What does democratic republic mean?

A nation with a constitution is a republic. A nation that elects the head of the state and representatives in the parliament to form a government is democratic. Democratic Republic is a form of government elected by the people with the constitutional head in accordance to the constitution is a Republic.

What do you mean by republic?

A republic is a government where the people have elected or nominated a president. The people as well as the president have power together.

What does becoming a republic mean?

in constructing the government of the U.S. the founding fathers settled on a republic and representative democracy. first, define republic and what general rationales for having a republic?

What was the government of rome that was ran by select officials?

I guess you mean elected officials. It was the government of the Roman Republic.