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The anti-federalists were the opponents of ratifying the U.S. Constitution, because it would create a strong central government. Some of the noted anti-federalists were Patrick Henry, George Clinton and James Monroe.

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Republicans and Conservatives, though a lot of times those terms mean the same thing.

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Can be called "states rights" advocates.

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Q: People opposed to a strong national government?
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Who were the people who opposed to a strong national government?

anti-federalists were pro-republican government with most of the power designated to the states.

Why were some people opposed to ratification?

They felt that the national government described by the Constitution was too strong and would lead to a monarchy.

Who were the groups that opposed a new strong form of national government?

The Anti-Federalists.

Why did people in 1787 oppose a strong national government?

People around the time of 1787 opposed a strong National Government because of the fact that they were scared of a government that was similar to the Parliament of Britain. Finally receiving their independence from the Parliament of Britain, people in the United States wanted to prevent a government from forming that was similar to the British Parliament. this sucks

What are people opposed to a strong national government called?

In American history they are known as Anti-Federalist and then the Confederates from the American Civil War era also were opposed to a strong central government. Although each nation/region has there own terms and movements and varies from time to time.

How did the lack of a strong national government create problems?

the lack of a strong national government is the people behind the government helping the government pass all the test to become a national government on its own.

It was necessary for the government to take strong measures to people who opposed the war?

It was necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war so that all can remain united. The United of States was a confederation and unity was critical.

Why were the American people afraid of strong national government?

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It was necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war?

It was necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war so that all can remain united. The United of States was a confederation and unity was critical.

Was it necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war?

It was necessary for the government to take strong measures against people who opposed the war so that all can remain united. The United of States was a confederation and unity was critical.

Is George Washington a nationalist?

George Washington supported nationalism. He was among the people known as Federalists, who were all in favor of a strong national government as opposed to a weaker one.

What group supported a strong national or central government.?

The Federalists supported a strong national government.