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Checks and balances is a term referring to the distribution of power between different branches of government; In the US these branches are the Judicial Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Executive Branch.

Each branch of the government has powers (checks and balances) that prevent the other two branches from having absolute power. The Legislative Branch creates the laws, the Executive Branch enforces these laws, and the Judicial Branch interprets and modifies these laws.

Here are examples using the US government (although the term applies to systems of government other than the US as well) :

1) The Legislative Branch, composed of the house of representatives and the senate, may pass a bill. However the Executive Branch (the President) may veto that bill.

2) The President (Executive Branch) may declare war. However this declaration must be approved by a majority vote in the senate.

3) The Judicial Branch may interpret the laws and punish those who break them, but they themselves may not create laws.

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12y ago

It means that different branches of a government keep watch over other branches of the same government in order to prevent an abuse of power.

This is done through the separation of powers. The idea is that each separated power keeps checks (an eye) on the other powers so that they balance each other. In the United States of America the government is separated into 3 branches:


For checks and balances to work each branch of the government must be given the ability to have a say in what the other branches are doing.

Examples in the USA:-The President of the U.S.A. (who is in the Executive Branch) can singularly veto a bill passed by Congress (the Legislative Branch) if he believes it to be a poorly written/problematic/corrupt bill.-The U.S. Supreme Court (part of the Judicial Branch) can deem a law passed by Congress and approved by the President unconstitutional; thus making it no longer a law.-The Legislative Branch can impeach and remove the President of the USA from office if he is guilty of any wrongdoing.

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13y ago

The Us Government system, each branch has the right to check up on the others, and see if they are doing things right. it will split the government up, and ensures that no branch has too much power over the rest of the government Ie: the courts pass a bill, congress approves and passes the bill, it is sent to the president, but if he doesn't like it, he can send it back. If congress wants it passed anyway, they can vote to override his presidential veto, and pass the bill anyway, making it a law

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9y ago

It means to keeps the things in balance. Power or authority is not permitted to be used unchecked. If a person is given some authority, the use of that authority is also checked. It can be used within certain limits.

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13y ago

to check on the branches to make sure they are doing whats right and to make sure one isn't too overpowering (balancing);p

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12y ago

The system in which each branch of government has a check on the other two branches so that no one branch becomes too powerful :)

Source: My textbook!

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Checks and balances!Add me on myspace AmandaAmor!

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