The events of September 11 2001, although they are political events happened under conspiracy agenda, but led to enmity feeling against Muslims. Media and biased Propaganda falsified many facts about Islam and Muslims. They Accused Muslims, falsifuly, of being terrorists. The politicians exploited these events to cover their raids against Muslims all over the world, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Pakistan, Bosnia, and many other countries.
Do you think that if the same events happened by Christians, the media and politicians will accuse Christians of being terrorists and Christianity to be religion of terrorism? or if happened by Jews then they will accuse Jews for being terrorists and Judaism to be religion of terrorism?. I know the answer but I leave for you the opportunity to think about the answer and the reason behind the answer.
they were deeply divided
- They were deeply divided
September 11-planes crash into Twin Towers.
the 1848 discovery of gold in California
The Articles of Confederation... and that's all I Know
10 events are that za kusoy turned gao Muslim and turned it into a Muslim state
It is difficult to compare the impact of the events of September 11, 2001 to the impact of an assasination on the lives of Americans unless you know what assassination is being compared. September 11's impact on the lives of Americans has been far-reaching. Besides the innocent victims who died in the WTC collapses. the 125 who died in the Pentagon, and the deaths of the passengers and crew of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, that day has had an on-going effect on laws and the mind-set of politicians. Basically, September 11 was a monumental day that may very well have been an event that changed the course for the entire country. Though one can only guess at what is meant by the "impact of the assassination" in the question, it is important to know that the vast majority of Americans do not support such acts. It is a tragedy whenever lives are lost through such acts as assassinations and 9/11.
Independent Events
Chain of Events was created in September 1958.
Americans received a one side version of war events in Europe because?
There are a variety of events that happen in September. These include Labor Day, Rosh Hashana, Patriot Day, and the first day of fall.
the two events are jasmine tectonics and metal
Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
they finished by different political events.
Cause and effect refers to the relationship between events or things, where one (the cause) leads to the occurrence of another (the effect). It is the idea that actions or events produce certain results or consequences.
On September 11, 2001, Muslim radicals of the Al Qaeda organization flew planes into the Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and a field in Pennsylvania. Approximately 3,000 people were killed and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were launched as a result of the events of that day.