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hmm, i wanna say the constitution or the declaration of independance (though i think it's the constitution).

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Q: What founding document created the framework for our current system of government?
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Those who created the framework of the new government and wrote the Constitution are called?

The Founding Fathers created the framework of the new government and wrote the U.S. Constitution. This group was also important in the signing of the Declaration of Independence and participation in the American Revolutionary War.

What is necessary to get back the government founding fathers created?

the govt founding father created is mahathma gandhi

What document is created by a society to guide its government?

The Constitution was the document that was created by the United States of America to guide its government.

What what document is created by a society to guide its government?

The Constitution was the document that was created by the United States of America to guide its government.

What did the founding fathers do to America?

The founding fathers transformed America from a British colony to an independent nation. They created a constitution which remains the legal framework upon which America is based, to this day.

Who created the USA government?

A group of white men called the Founding Fathers.

When was The Framework created?

The Framework was created in 2006.

What document created the idea of self government?

The Mayflower Compact.

What document is created by society to guide its government?

Constitutions are created by societies to form and set guidelines for their government. They are found in every level of government.

When the US was first created what were the founding fathers most scared about?

Too big a Government !

How did The founder of modern China is?

I would place Mao as the father of modern China. He created the communist government that is still the framework of the government.

Why the founding fathers created a government structure with a weak nation government?

They didn’t create a weak national government, but one with a balanced set of powers.