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Q: What government took over when Robespierre died?
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Why did people eventually turn against Robespierre?

One of the reasons people turned against robspierre is because he was a french radical who took over the government in France during unstable time.

What position did robespierre take in 1793?

In July 1793, Robespierre took his place on the Committee of Public Safety, which had been established in April.

Who took over after Peter the Great died?

After Peter died his half brother Ivan V took over.

What position did Maximilien Robespierre taking 1793?

In July 1793, Robespierre took his place on the Committee of Public Safety, which had been established in April.

When Robespierre took over as leader of the Revolution his first order of business was to?

I learned he said, "you have to kill so the revolution can live". So that's all I know

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Who took over when Zeus died?

The Greek gods and goddess were immortal, so Zeus never died, thus no one took over. If speaking about the practice and belief of Greek Mythology itself, Zeus died and Jesus took over.

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No, the Red faction took over the government in 1917.

What happen to Robespierre?

He was executed by the guillotine.

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Ayatollah Khomeini took over the Iranian government in 1979.

What was the state that Napolean took over?

He was a part of a coup that took control of France from the Directory government.

What group took over Canada in 1763?

The British Government.