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1796 candidates

Federalists (John Adams)- for ratification with constitution, and the Anti-Federalists (George Washington)- against ratification, supported states rights, feared too-powerful central government.

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15y ago
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9y ago

Alexander Hamilton, at that time Secretary of the Treasury. Headstrong, brilliant, and volatile, Hamilton himself and his economic policies stirred controversy and the Federalists evolved in support of his policies and later of his views. Hamilton led the Federalist Party even as it began to collapse with the election of 1800, until his untimely death (in a duel) in 1804.

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10y ago

The first political party in US were the Federalists and the Democratic Republican. (1789-1828) The Federalist favored a national central governement and a national bank. The anti-federalists oppose this position, and favored political power distributed across the state.

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11y ago

Democratic-Republican Party.

The Founding Fathers disliked political parties, calling them "factions" motivated by self interest. Washington was so upset over the quarreling between Hamilton (Federalists) and Jefferson (anti-Federalists) that he devoted much of his Farewell Address to the evils of parties. The people who supported Hamilton and Adams were called Federalists (supporters of the Constitution) but they were not an organized political party. The first organized party in America was made up of the followers of Jefferson, who, starting in the 1790s, called themselves Republicans (or Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans). Hamilton and those who opposed Jefferson, kept the name Federalist. Jefferson's Republican Party has no ties to the current Republican Party. In fact, the current Democratic Party considers Jefferson and Andrew Jackson as the founders of their party.

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12y ago

It is a debate between Jefferson of the Democrats or Hamilton of the Federalists or today known as the Republicans. The majority would say Hamilton because he was very well spoken for his oppinions where as Jefferson was laid back and did not like confronation.

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11y ago

The Federalist Party was the first organized political party after U.S. independence.

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10y ago

The first two parties in the US were the Democratic-Republican party of Jefferson and the Federalists of John Adams and Alexander Hamilton.

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6y ago

after the ratification of the constitution A+

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Q: What is The first political party in US?
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