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The United States of America decided on a bicameral legislature mainly for the fact that it would keep the powers balanced. The threat of tyranny from a republic is just as great as one from a single despot. The bicameral system allowed for the two houses to balance the powers of government, while giving as little power possible to the executive branch for fear of kings.

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10y ago
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15y ago

It satisfies both large states that feel they should have more representation in congress due to having a larger population, and smaller states that feel they would be pushed out of the political process by the larger ones.

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13y ago

congress in order that one house might check on the other

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11y ago

Yhe reasoning forbicameralism in congress is to ensure that all members of congress are equipped with penises of quite large sizes:)

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Q: What is a practical reason for the bicameral system?
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What is a practical reason for Americans choosing bicameral system?

They provide a system of checks and balances so one group or individual doesn't become all powerful.

What is a theoretical reason for Americans for choosing a bicameral system?

congress in order that one house might check on the other

Is Brazil bicameral?

Yes, Brazil has a Bicameral system. It is made up of two houses.

What house is most powerful in a bicameral system?

Neither house is more powerful than the other in a bicameral system. In the US, the House of Representatives and Senate make up the bicameral legislature.

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What kind of legislative system does the state of New York have?

A bicameral system

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Bicameral Parliamentary (:

What do you call a two-house system?

A Bicameral parliment

What is the 2 house legislative system called?

A bicameral.

When was Critique of Practical Reason created?

Critique of Practical Reason was created in 1788.

How is your legislature bicameral?

If your legislature has an upper and lower house, then it is bicameral. Italy has a Chamber of Deputies and Senate with legislative power, so it is a bicameral system. Israel's Knesset is the only legislative body in the country on a national level, so it is called a unicameral parliamentary system.

Similar to the U.S. Constitution the Ohio Constitution created what kind of legislative system?

a bicameral system