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Q: What kind of legislature has two house?
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What kind of legislature in the constitution provides for representation?

A bicameral,two-house,legislature.

A two-house legislature is also called a unilateral legislature?

A two house legislature is not called a unilateral legislature, it is called a bicameral legislature.

What are two houses of legislature?

Two houses of legislature are the House of Representatives and the House of Senates or Senators.

A two-house legislature is called a unicameral?

No. A two-house legislature is called a bicameral legislature. Please note that "bicameral" is an adjective, not a noun.

What is a two-house legislature?


Which of these featured a two house legislature with the lower house based on population?

which of these featured a two house legislature with the lowerr house based on population

What is a one house legislature called?

unicameral A one house legislature is a unicameral. A two house legislature is a bicameral.

Who did not have a two house legislature?

The Washington State Legislature is made up of two houses (or chambers), in the second house and the second house did not amend the bill.

A two-house legislature is a?


A two house legislature?


A two-house legislature is also called a unicameral legislature?

False it is called a bicameral legislature

Is a two- house legislature also called a unicameral legislature?

False it is called a bicameral legislature