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Q: What is a temporary alliance of several groups to form a majority in order to gain control of the government?
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Why did authors of the Constitution intentionally make the addition of amendments dependent on the support of a majority of the American public?

To give the people control over their own government.

What is the history of the United National Congress?

The United National Congress (UNC) is one of the two major political organizations in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. It was founded by Basdeo Panday, a lawyer and former trade unionist. The UNC was formed as the result of a split in the ruling National Alliance for Reconstruction in 1988. After spending six years in Opposition, the UNC won control of the government in 1995 (initially in coalition with the National Alliance for Reconstruction and later on their own). In the 2000 General Elections the UNC won an absolute majority in Parliament. In 2001 a split in the party caused the UNC to lose its parliamentary majority and control of the government. Between 1991 and 1995 and again since 2001 the UNC has been the Parliamentary Opposition party. Although many people see the UNC as the successor party to the United Labour Front, the UNC managed to attract much broader support than did any previous Indo-Trinidadian-dominated party.

Did the treaty of Paris strain the American alliance with the french?

the french had excepted to control the negotiation

Can a government based on majority vote protect the rights of those who are not part of the majority?

In Federalist Paper #10, James Madison argued that minority rights can be protected under a system of majority rule. Minority groups would be protected because the factions (political parties) would have to negotiate their differences. In this way, the republic would create a system of government in which the majority would rule but the ideas of the minority would have to be taken into consideration. Numerous factions would also mean that no one group would be able to take complete control of the government and this would give rise to what Madison called “politics,” namely, the art of governing.

How does the division of powers enable the government to control the governed?

The division of powers doesn't enable the government to control the governed.

Related questions

Does the majority have the right to control majoritywould you join the protest?

Yes the majority does have the right to control the majority. That is what government is. If there was no government control of anything, we'd have anarchy and the world would be a terrible place to live in.

What kind of government wherein the rulers have full control?

majority governments have full control

What is the difference between a joint venture equity strategic alliance and non-equity strategic alliance?

The purpose of equity alliance is less specific than a joint venture. Unlike a joint venture, one partner retains control through their majority shareholding in an equity alliance.

What government took control of Russia during the February 1917 Revolution?

The "Provisional Government" took control of Russia after the February Revolution. It was supposed to be temporary until a democratically elected Constituent Assembly could be elected and then create a constitutional form of government.

Explain how Madison propose to devise a government to prevent a tyranny of the majority?

He believed that a democratic government would stop the unjust majorities from taking control over the government.

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For James Madison, the problem associated with a tyranny of the majority was that?

large factions might capture control of the government and ignore the rights of those in the minority

Who can I call in Tri-Cities, Washington for pigeon control.?

One option for pigeon control in Tri-Cities Washington is Alliance Pest Control Company. Their number is 360-358-2224.

Why did authors of the Constitution intentionally make the addition of amendments dependent on the support of majority of the American public?

To give the people control over their own government.

Why did the authors of the Constitution intentionally make the addition of amendments depend on the support of the majority of American public?

To give the people control over their own government.

Why did the authors of the constitution intentionally make the addition of amendments dependent on the support of a majority of the American public?

To give the people control over their own government.

Why did authors of the Constitution intentionally make the addition of amendments dependent on the support of a majority of the American public?

To give the people control over their own government.