The most significant consequence of the American Revolution was the creation of a republic where it was made clear that the government was created to serve the people. Despite its "problems" the new nation of the United States was the first one that was built on elections, and the rule of law. At the time, there was more "democracy" in the USA than in any other nation.
the American revolution is important because it led to the revolutionary war
The Boston Tea Party was the most important event during the Revolutionary War.
because it started the American revolution. that's why.
The American Revolution is important because it freed Americans from Britain. We gained our freedom by fighting and although the British still acted like they owned us for some time after the war, we eventually gained full freedom.
yes, but sometimes it can be different nicknames. one of them is father of the American revolution another one is the founding father.
Probably either the French Revolution or the American Revolution
Not to everyone.
crispus attucks
the American revolution is important because it led to the revolutionary war
the right to vote
a great wave of immigration.
Elijah Clarek is important to american revolution because she defeated the British.
One of the most important differencinuij iuh8i
Pretty much- yes. Spain also was, too.
The Boston Tea Party was the most important event during the Revolutionary War.
A lot of things, though the most important is the american revolution because we are americans