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U.S. Const., Art. I, Sec. 3, Cl. 6:

"The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present."

From Rules and Manual of the Senate; revised pursuant to S. Res. 479, 99-2, Aug. 16, 1986:

"II. When the managers of an impeachment shall be introduced at the bar of the Senate and shall signify that they are ready to exhibit articles of impeachment against any person, the Presiding Officer of the Senate shall direct the Sergeant at Arms to make proclamation, who shall, after making proclamation, repeat the following words, viz: ''All persons are commanded to keep silence, on pain of imprisonment, while the House of Representatives is exhibiting to the Senate of the United States articles of impeachment against --- ---''; after which the articles shall be exhibited, and then the Presiding Officer of the Senate shall inform the managers that the Senate will take proper order on the subject of the impeachment, of which due notice shall be given to the House of Representatives."

"IV. When the President of the United States or the Vice President of the United States, upon whom the powers and duties of the Office of President shall have devolved, shall be impeached, the Chief Justice of the United States shall preside; and in a case requiring the said Chief Justice to preside notice shall be given to him by the Presiding Officer of the Senate of the time and place fixed for the consideration of the articles of impeachment, as aforesaid, with a request to attend; and the said Chief Justice shall be administered the oath by the Presiding Officer of the Senate and shall preside over the Senate during the consideration of said articles and upon the trial of the person impeached therein."

Thus, the Presiding Officer of the Senate presides over Impeachment Trials of all Officers other than the President or the Vice President as Acting President.

(These are examples of rules promulgated under the Constitution).

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Congress would follow normal procedures if the Chief Justice of the United States (Supreme Court) were to be impeached. The House of Representatives would vote on impeachment, and trial would be conducted in the Senate. A Senate "Impeachment Trial Committee" would preside over the Senate trial as a panel of judges. This practice began in 1986 when the Senate amended its Rules and Procedures for impeachment trials, and is used for the removal trial of all impeached officials with the exception of the US President.

At the conclusion of the trial, the committee provides a report to the full Senate, which then votes for conviction or acquittal. Conviction requires a two-thirds super majority, and results in the official (in this case, the Chief Justice) being removed from office.

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The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the Senate trial if a US President has been impeached. Under ordinary circumstances, the Vice-President presides over the trial, but impeachment of the President would present a conflict-of-interest for the Vice-President.

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How many justices or judges make up the supreme court?

The Supreme Court consists of nine judges, called justices. There is a Chief Justice and eight other justices that were each initially nominated by the President in office at the time a new justice was needed. The United States Senate, after investigating the nominee's qualifications, approves or rejects the President's nomination.

Is it fair for the vice-president to preside over the senate at the impeacment of a president when he is next in line for that office?

The Vice-President does not preside at an impeachment of a President. The Constitution requires that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court preside over an impeachment trial.

What role does the supreme court play in impeachment trials?

The Supreme Court plays no role in impeachment trials. However, in the impeachment trial of the President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the United States serves as presiding officer of the Senate since it would be a conflict of interest to have the vice president presiding over a trial at which he would become President if the current President were to be found guilty.

Name the President who appointed the second most Supreme Court justices?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the president who appointed the second most Supreme Court Justices. He appointed eight justices during his presidency.

What body can try impeachments of the president of the US?

The House of Representatives has sole authority to bring Articles of Impeachment (like a grand jury indictment) against the President and other government officials. If the House votes in favor of impeachment, the case proceeds to trial in the Senate. No one can be removed from office by impeachment (the first step in the process) alone.

Related questions

Who make the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court consists of one Chief Justice (judge) and eight associate justices. They are nominated by the president when vacancies occur, and the president's nominees are confirmed by the Senate. If a nominee is denied confirmation, the president must submit another until the position is filled. Once confirmed, Supreme Court justices have their positions for life, or until they resign or are removed from office through a process of impeachment.

Who presides over the impeachment trial if the president or the vice president is impeached?

If the President is the one impeached, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the trial.

What is the leader of the supreme court called?

Chief Justice John Roberts.

What is the Head judge of the supreme?

This is the person better known as the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice is the leader of the court (the other justices are known as Associate Justices); the Chief Justice presides over hearings and sets the agenda for the business conducted by the Supreme Court. If there were an impeachment, the Chief Justice would preside over the trial in the Senate. The current Supreme Court Chief Justice is John Roberts.

Indian Chief justice faced impeachment motion?

v.ramaswami swami was one of the chief justices who faced impeachment

How does the president check the power of the supreme court?

The President checks the power of the Supreme Court by appointing Supreme Court justices and the Chief Justice (subject to Senate confirmation).

How does the supreme court checks the powers of the president?

The President checks the power of the Supreme Court by appointing Supreme Court justices and the Chief Justice (subject to Senate confirmation).

Who makes up the court?

The Supreme Court consists of one Chief Justice (judge) and eight associate justices. They are nominated by the president when vacancies occur, and the president's nominees are confirmed by the Senate. If a nominee is denied confirmation, the president must submit another until the position is filled. Once confirmed, Supreme Court justices have their positions for life, or until they resign or are removed from office through a process of impeachment.

How many supreme courts justices are there in the supreme court?

9 justices and a Chief Justice.

Is the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court a successor to the Presidency?

No, neither the Chief Justice nor any of the other Supreme Court justices are in the President's line of succession.

Who was the only man to serve as the president of the US and the chief justices of the Supreme Court?

William Howard Taft

How many justices or judges make up the supreme court?

The Supreme Court consists of nine judges, called justices. There is a Chief Justice and eight other justices that were each initially nominated by the President in office at the time a new justice was needed. The United States Senate, after investigating the nominee's qualifications, approves or rejects the President's nomination.