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Cottonocracy refers to the collective planters, merchants, and manufacturers whose wealth was gained primarily from the cotton trade. Specifically it refers to the states Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North & South Carolina prior to the American civil war.

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Q: What is the definition of cottonocracy?
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What is cottonocracy?

Literally, the definition is "ruled by cotton". this is referring to the southern states and the Civil War. Literally, the definition is "ruled by cotton". this is referring to the southern states and the Civil War. Literally, the definition is "ruled by cotton". this is referring to the southern states and the Civil War.

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i think it might be cottonocracy, what do you mean

What were some of the industry in the south during 1800?

Well, there was the cotton industry. The cotton industry was big back in the 1800's. Planters were people that owned at least 20 slaves. They would be wealth families that were called "cottonocracy". Cottonocracy is a mix between cotton and aristocracy. There were two kinds of slaves, the field slaves, and the house slaves. While house slaves were still had a lower class than that of the lowest class white man compared to the field slaves they were like royalty. Back then field slaves were expected to 12 to 16 hours a day, but for some of the slaves owners that still wasn't enough.

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