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The President of the United States. The legislative branch's highest unit are the senators and house of representatives. The judicial branch's highest unit is the supreme court.

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Q: What is the largest unit of the executive branch?
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The executive branch of Georgia's government is the largest branch. It is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws and is headed by the governor. The executive branch includes various state agencies and departments that carry out different functions.

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The largest subunits of the federal executive branch are called departments. The head of the departments is called the secretary.

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There is no largest branch. The US governmet is under the checks and balances, so that the three branches wont gain too power

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Which is the largest branch of state government?

The largest branch of the US government is the Legislative Branch.It is made up of two houses: Congress, and the House of Representatives.Congress has a population of 100. It has equal representation, meaning each of the 50 states is allowed 2 senators each.The House of Representatives is based on proportional representation, meaning the number of representatives given to a state is determined by that state's population. There are a total of 435 representatives.Since there are 100 senators and 435 representatives, the Legislative Branch has a total of 535 people.On the other hand, the Executive Branch has one person (the President) along with his handful of cabinet members, and the Judicial Branch (the Supreme Court) is made up of 9 judges.Therefore, the Legislative Branch is the largest branch of the US government.But there has been many argument about which one is bigger between Legislative and Executive. So go with it.

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