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The British taxed the colonists everything they could. Under the Stamp Act, all paper products were taxed, and the Tea Act caused a very high tax on tea. The Tea Act caused the Boston Tea Party and much of the unrest that led to the American Revolution.

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During the colonial times in America the British would tax tea. This was a heavy burden on the colonists at the time.

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All valid legal documents, as well as newspapers, playing cards, and various other papers, bear a government-issued stamp for which there was a charge

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Q: What items did british put taxes on during the stamp act?
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Related questions

What did the british do to the colonies during the stamp act?

They tortured them with high taxes

How was the stamp act different from earlier taxes imposed on british colonies?

The Stamp Act directly affected the colonists; taxes prior to the Stamp Act were indirect taxes, paid only by merchants.

How did the colonies oppose British taxes?

They made the intolerable acts to oppose the british taxes, they Used the Quartering Act, Stamp Act.

Why did many colonists oppose to the stamp act?

the stamp act of 1765 was one of the first British laws placing taxes on the colonies. the colonist had to pay tax every time they bought newspaper or pamphlet or signed a legal documents.These items had to have a stamp act

What was the common theme of the colonists against the British taxes?

Stamp tax

What was the british law passed in 1765 that levied higher taxes?

the stamp act

What did Colonists opposed to the stamp act because?

the colonists opposed to the stamp act because because it highered taxes on certain items and they did not want to pay more on certain items

Who had to pay for the taxes during the stamp act?

American Colonists

What did those who oppossed that british taxes begain to call themselves after the stamp act?


What effect did the stamp act 1765 have on british colonies?

It tortured them with a taxes, the colonists were mad

After the stamp act what did those who oppose the British taxes begin to call themselves?

the patriots

What After the Stamp Act what did those who opposed the British taxes begin to call themselves?

the patriots