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Being an American I speak from the bias of loving freedom. A good government protects the people of the nation. A bad government rules over the people with use of fear tatics, bullying, oppression and removal of the people's rights and freedom. A good government represents the people. A bad government protects itself. A good government does not execessively tax the people and uses the tax funds to care for the country. A bad government excessively taxes the people and uses the funds to keep for themselves and not benefit the people.

These are condsidered good forms of governments: parlimentary with elections, republics and ferations with elections, socialism with elections and benefits the people and monarchies that benefit the people.

These are considered bad forms of government: fascist governments that oppress and harm the people. Nazi type governments that harm people, keep the tax funds for themselves and have an evil ruler, Communist governments with a evil ruler such as Stalin; or the current ruler of North Korea where the people are restricted severely and suffer severely; and monarchies or dictatorships where the rulers benefit themselves rather than the people, such as when Hussein ruled Iraq.

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