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Your question doesn't specify which men, but it presumably refers to the signers of the Declaration of Independence. They would have been arrested and probably executed for treason.

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we would all be slaves

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Q: What might have happened to these men if the Americans had lost the war against Britain?
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What do you think might have happen if the Americans lost the war against great Britain?

what do you think might have happened if the americans lost the war against great Britain

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Most Americans were in sympathy with Britain, especially for the period when Britain stood alone against the might of the Nazi juggernaut. Only a few members of the German-American Bund sided with Germany. Most favored neutrality or isolationism.

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What reasons might loyalists have had to support Great Britain?Those who chose to stay with Britain, the Loyalists, did not consider unfair taxes and regulations good reasons for rebellion. Some remained loyal to the king because they were officeholders who would lose their positions as a result of the Revolution. Others were people who lived in relative isolation and who had not been part of the wave of discontent that turned so many Americans against Britain.

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What reasons might loyalists have had to support Great Britain?Those who chose to stay with Britain, the Loyalists, did not consider unfair taxes and regulations good reasons for rebellion. Some remained loyal to the king because they were officeholders who would lose their positions as a result of the Revolution. Others were people who lived in relative isolation and who had not been part of the wave of discontent that turned so many Americans against Britain.

What reason might loyalist had to support Great Britain?

What reasons might loyalists have had to support Great Britain?Those who chose to stay with Britain, the Loyalists, did not consider unfair taxes and regulations good reasons for rebellion. Some remained loyal to the king because they were officeholders who would lose their positions as a result of the Revolution. Others were people who lived in relative isolation and who had not been part of the wave of discontent that turned so many Americans against Britain.

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Longstanding patterns of violence and threats against African Americans

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They could be arrested