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Q: What people did the patriots struggled to keep from taking sides in the revolutionary war?
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When did colonial politics begin?

I mean the first political party ever was the federalists but really people started taking sides on these things with the revolutionary war between the loyalists and the patriots.

What problem did Benjamin Banneker have?

he struggled taking care of his fathers farm on his own

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A lot of personal time used, struggled social lives.

Why did Demi Lovato have a break down?

She fought through eating disorders and has struggled with cutting. [She] is taking control by getting help."

What were carcasses used as in the Revolutionary War?

they were used for taking down masts of ships

What z word was used in The Revolutionary War?

dont shoot until there zygous is ready for the taking

When did the revolutionary war begin to turn into colonial victory?

The American Revolutionary War turned on Kings Mountain, South Carolina on October 7, 1780 when 900 militia from North Carolina and the Virginia backwoods, inflamed by British oppression pursued and cornered Major Patrick Ferguson and 1,100 loyalists. The Patriots cut Ferguson's forces to pieces, killing 225, wounding 163 and taking more than 700 prisoners. The Americans lost only 28 with 63 wounded. With his auxiliary force destroyed, Lord Cornwallis was forced to retreat and resume a defensive strategy. This victory occurred at the bleakest time for the Patriots and turned sentiment around. Patriots started to think that if we could win here, we could win in other places. This was the turning point in the American Revolutionary War. Saratoga is often cited as the turning point because it convinced Louis XVI to send troops and supplies, and to finance the American Revolution.

Who hid a horse in her house in NJ to keep the british from taking it during the revolutionary war?

Emily Davinson

How did the enlightenment increase desire for independence?

It didn't really. As the taxes came upon them from Britian from King George III, people became a little fed up with it. People began taking action(Sons of Liberty) and so started the Revolutionary War.

Which Patriots player was under investigation for the illegal use of HGH?

Rodney Harrison was suspended for four games in 2007 for taking HGH.

What document asserted American patriots would die freemen rather that live as slaves?

The Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms

What was Molly Pitcher contribution to the revolutionary war?

According to Wikipedia Molly Picture was probably a composite of many women who served with the Revolutionary Army during the American Revolution. She has become a kind of Folk Hero to many, probably similar to the statues of "Mother Russia".