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This is a very complicated issue, and it is not as clear cut as the following will make it sound. After WWI, the American troops came home and the country was traumatized by the experience. Many felt that America's participation in the war had been a waste. During the Great Depression, the Americans did not want to think about Europe -many felt that WWI had caused the Depression - and they did not want to think about next war brewing the country slipped further into isolationism. The country refused to join the League of Nations (precusor to the United Nations) Americans wanted nothing to do with the next war that was brewing in Europe, and felt their best option was to try and prevent one. In 1934, Senator Gerald Nye of North Dakota began a series of hearings that tried to show that munitions makers had made "huge" profits during World War I and were therefore somehow responsible for America's involvement in the conflict. They were called the "Merchants of Death." Although the results of the Nye Committee investigation were inconclusive, the idea began to stick and several "Neutrality Acts" were passed in Congress. The Neutrality Act of 1935 forbade sale of arms to belligerents. Civilians would enter war zones on belligerent ships at their own risk. FDR signed the bill in August 1935. There were lots of problems with this was non-specific on trade, and it tended up upset friendly nations when they were in dire need help. Further neutrality acts were passed in 1936 and 1937, and the net result of those laws was to handcuff the United States, even if it had a legitimate desire to assist nations that were victims of international aggression. SIDENOTE: President Roosevelt made no attempt to block this legislation, but refused to invoke the laws when Japan invaded China, thereby allowing China to buy arms from the United States.

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