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Three US Presidents had sons who died during their terms.

President Lincoln's son, Willie Lincoln, was the only president's son to die in the White House, in 1862.

He was 12 years old.

President Coolidge's son, Calvin, died less than a year into his father's presidency, in July, 1924.

He was 16 years old.

President Kennedy had a son, Patrick, who was born prematurely and died on August 9, 1963.

He was only 2 days old.

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Theodore Roosevelt' son , Quentin,who was a pilot. was shot down and killed

during WW I.

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Theodore Roosevelt

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He died November 22, 1963

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Q: What presidents son died during World War 1?
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World war president?

The president during World War I (1914-1918) was Thomas Woodrow Wilson. The presidents during World War II (1939-1945) were Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman. Franklin Roosevelt died in office so there were 2 presidents.

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Woodrow Wilson

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Wilson, FDR and Truman.

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Kennedy was assassinated in '63; Johnson died of a heart attack in '73.

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Woodrow Wilson was the US president during WW I.

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It would be helpful if you specified which World War. Woodrow Wilson was President through World War I. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S Truman were both Presidents during World War II.

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Just 2: FDR & Truman.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman.

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FDR .....Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman

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Woodrow Wilson was the US president during WW I.

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