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Q: What proclaimed the right of the citizens of the french republic?
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What are the rights of citizens in a republic?

In a republic, citizens typically have rights such as the right to vote, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to a fair trial. They also have the right to participate in the political process, petition the government, and have equal protection under the law.

What is a government under which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders?

a Republic

Has French government has affirmed its citizens' right to wear religious symbols?

The French government has not affirmed its citizens' right to wear religious symbols. On March 15, 2004 it became law that French citizens were banned from wearing conspicuous religious symbols in public schools.

What does it mean to be a republic to India?

Being a republic means that the Indian citizens have got the right to elect their own leaders and that they are not ruled by any monarchy.

Which characteristics of the government under the roman republic had the greatest impact on the democratic tradition why?

Under the Roman republic all citizens of the first class had a right to vote and to select their rulers. This tradition has come down to us in all the democratic governments of today.Under the Roman republic all citizens of the first class had a right to vote and to select their rulers. This tradition has come down to us in all the democratic governments of today.Under the Roman republic all citizens of the first class had a right to vote and to select their rulers. This tradition has come down to us in all the democratic governments of today.Under the Roman republic all citizens of the first class had a right to vote and to select their rulers. This tradition has come down to us in all the democratic governments of today.Under the Roman republic all citizens of the first class had a right to vote and to select their rulers. This tradition has come down to us in all the democratic governments of today.Under the Roman republic all citizens of the first class had a right to vote and to select their rulers. This tradition has come down to us in all the democratic governments of today.Under the Roman republic all citizens of the first class had a right to vote and to select their rulers. This tradition has come down to us in all the democratic governments of today.Under the Roman republic all citizens of the first class had a right to vote and to select their rulers. This tradition has come down to us in all the democratic governments of today.Under the Roman republic all citizens of the first class had a right to vote and to select their rulers. This tradition has come down to us in all the democratic governments of today.

What conflict was fought to secure basic right for french citizens from a despotic king?

The American Revolution was fought to secure basic rights for French citizens from a despotic king.

What document gave French citizens the right of liberty property?

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A form of government in which the leader is not aking or queen but someone put in office by citizens with the right to vote?

A Roman republic

What is a government in which the ultimate power belongs to the citizens through their right to vote?


Who proclaimed The declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen during french revolution?

"Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen", was prepared and proposed by the marquis de Lafayette. that answer is completely wrong

What type of government isn't headed by a monarch and only certain citizens can vote?

a republic government give people the right to vote

Who in the roman republic had the right to vote and become a consul?

The patricians had the right to vote, as did the plebeians and equites and all the Roman citizens of the first class. Rome was a republic and all citizens could vote, depending on their class of citizenship. As far as becoming consul, anyone could run for the office providing he had completed the other offices leading up to consulship. In the later republic there was a law that one consul had to be a plebeian.