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The Coercive Acts resulted in the closing of port of Boston, forced the colonists to house and feed British troops, and forbid public meetings unless sanctioned by the governor.

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Rickie Glover

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Q: What resulted from coercive acts?
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What was resulted from the Coercive Acts?

The Coercive Acts resulted in the closing of port of Boston, forced the colonists to house and feed British troops, and forbid public meetings unless sanctioned by the governor.

What resulted from the coercive act?

The Coercive Acts resulted in the closing of port of Boston, forced the colonists to house and feed British troops, and forbid public meetings unless sanctioned by the governor.

What did the colonists called the coercive acts?

The Intolerable Acts

Did the Coercive Acts resulted in less colonial unity?

No, if anything it brought more colonial unity. The severity of the Coercive acts (Intolerable Acts) brought a realisation upon the colonial leaders that the only way that they would be able to gain their freedom, was to unite and work together to defeat Britain.

What was An unexpected result of the Coercive Acts was?

An unexpected result of the Coercive Acts was the increased support for Massachusetts and its resistance to the authority of England. The Coercive Acts were originally meant to subdue disobedience.

What were the coercive acts and why did they fail?

why did the coercive act fail

Port that was closed as a result of the coercive acts?

The Port of Boston was the port that was closed as a result of the Coercive Acts. British Parliament issued the Coercive Acts after the Boston Tea Party in 1774.

What did the British call the acts?

The Coercive Acts

What was the coercive acts nickname?

Intolerable Acts

Why did American colonist rename the coercive acts The Intolerable Acts?

The American Colonists renamed the Coercive Acts to the Intolerable Acts because they found them so unbearable.

Did the Boston massacre or the coercive acts take place first?

The Boston Massacre took place in 1770 while the Coercive acts took place in 1774 4 years later.

The laws knows as The Intolerable Acts were the coercive acts and the?

In Great Britain, these laws were referred to as the Coercive Acts and seen by the colonists as one of the Intolerable Acts.