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The states were given all powers not delegated to the federal government in the Constitution. However, there are implied powers that the federal government can use.

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They copied the federal constitution, so the rights were the same.

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Q: What rights did the states keep under the federal system of government?
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What is federal system?

Federal system is a dual government system in which nation is divided into different states and single central government .

What was the plan for national government where states would keep their freedom and independence?

Federal government is the name for this system of government. Under this system, states get to retain their individual rights and maintain their own governments, but some duties, like currency and defense, are delegated to the federal government, which is elected by all the states working together.The Articles of Confederation was the first document establishing a federal government, in 1781, but the federal government created by that document was far too weak. In 1789, a new, stronger federal government was created by the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

The US Constitution establishes a federal system of government Which statement best describes a federal system of government?

The US Constitution established the Federal system of government. The best way to describe the Federal system of government is that it is a shared power of government between the nation and the states.

What is the 2nd level in the federal government system?

The 2nd level in the United States of America's federal government system is state governments. Though state governments are sovereign from the federal government, they are considered to be part of it.

Dividing power between the states and national government is?

The system is called federalism, the creation of a central government to operate and coordinate shared government functions among the states.

Related questions

In what kind of government system is the national government subordinate to the states?

The power-sharing between a central government and those of the individual states is a federal government.

What is federal system?

Federal system is a dual government system in which nation is divided into different states and single central government .

What is a federal system of government designed to do?

a federal system of goverment that is designed to do is to divide powers between the states and the federal government

What is the federal system?

A system that divided powers between the states and the federal government.

What was the plan for national government where states would keep their freedom and independence?

Federal government is the name for this system of government. Under this system, states get to retain their individual rights and maintain their own governments, but some duties, like currency and defense, are delegated to the federal government, which is elected by all the states working together.The Articles of Confederation was the first document establishing a federal government, in 1781, but the federal government created by that document was far too weak. In 1789, a new, stronger federal government was created by the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

Why is the US a federal govemment?

The "Federal Government" or "National Government" known generally as "The United States of America" was seen as necessary to prevent human rights violations (a slide into the former governmental practices from England) at the time it was created.

The federal system political systems?

The federal system political system is divided between the national government and regional government. The united states is a federal republic.

The US Constitution establishes a federal system of government Which statement best describes a federal system of government?

The US Constitution established the Federal system of government. The best way to describe the Federal system of government is that it is a shared power of government between the nation and the states.

What system of government gives tremendous freedom to states in determining their own laws?

Any powers not given to the federal government falls to the individual states. This deference to states' rights gives individuals more freedom because local state governments are considered easier to control than the federal government.

What system of government shares power among central government and states?

A federal system.

This is a system of government designed by the writers of the constitution it is a union of states under a central government?

Federal system of government!!

What is the 2nd level in the federal government system?

The 2nd level in the United States of America's federal government system is state governments. Though state governments are sovereign from the federal government, they are considered to be part of it.