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The US President is not a sworn Law Enforcement Officer, therefore he personally does not have the power to enforce any laws at all. However, he is the head of the Executive Branch of the United States government. It is the Executive Branch which is charged with the enforcement of ALL Federal laws of the United States.

The Executive Branch of the US government does not enforce state or local laws.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

None. The US Supreme Court has no enforcement power; that authority falls to the President, head of the Executive branch of government.

The Court does, however, uphold the Constitution through the process of judicial review, which allows the justices to evaluate laws that are relevant to cases under appeal to ensure they adhere to constitutional principles. If the law infringes someone's protected rights, or violates the constitution in any way, the Supreme Court may declare a law unconstitutional and nullify it (make it void and unenforceable). They can't force other parts of the federal government, states, or citizens to follow their decisions, however, which sometimes creates problems if the President or Congress are uncooperative.

Although it may seem strange for the US Supreme Court to make a decision but have no authority to carry it out, this rule is part of the checks and balances of the US government, designed to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

The Supreme Court's decisions are based on the Articles and Amendments of the US Constitution.
The Constitution.

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βˆ™ 2y ago
This isn't giving me enough information on what i need.

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Is the Constitution used as a guide when making laws?

Yes it is in constant use and courts use it as a guide to make decisions.

Is the Constitution is used as a guide when making laws?

Yes it is in constant use and courts use it as a guide to make decisions.

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Does 'judicial review' allow the US Supreme Court to review the constitutionality of lower courts' decisions?

The Supreme Court's appellate jurisdiction allows it to review the constitutionality of the federal lower courts' decisions, and of state supreme court decisions that involve a matter of federal or constitutional law. Judicial review refers more specifically to the power of the Supreme Court to review legislation and acts of Congress and the President (the Legislative and Executive branches) to unsure they confirm to the principles of the constitution, and to overrule laws that are unconstitutional.

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she is the supreme power in the judiciary

Are state supreme courts the only courts that can nullify state laws?

No. The US Supreme Court can nullify a challenged state law if it conflicts with the federal Constitution.

How does supreme court decisions affect our society?

it makes laws clarifed

What powers does congress have over the federal courts?

Congress has power over the courts because it makes the laws which it must use to try a case. If the court finds the law unconstitutional, they can overturn it.

What is the means by which different or differing laws are settled in the US?

The Supreme Courts of States, and ultimately, the Supreme Court, is the means to settle disputes over laws, especially the Constitutionality of specific laws.

What laws govern a Supreme Court Justice and Justices' decisions?

The Supreme Court Justices interpret and enforce the US Constitution. The US Constitution is the ultimate "Law of the Land", to which they are bound.

What laws guide supereme court decisions?

Those of the US Constitution.

What the main job of Supreme Court?

The main job of the Supreme Court is to interpret laws. They asses the constitutionality of laws and circumstances. They have the power to overturn laws they find unconstitutional.