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The system of rule by lords under a king was called feudalism. This was often a very corrupt form of government, as the lords were not really regulated by the king.

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Q: What system of rule by lords who owe loyalty to their king is called what?
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What system of rule by local lords who were bound to the king by ties of loyalty is called?


What is a system of rule by kings?

The system of rule by lords under a king was called feudalism. This was often a very corrupt form of government, as the lords were not really regulated by the king.

What are nobles who swore loyalty to the king in exchange for land?

Feudal Lords were the ones who swore loyalty in exchange for land. They controlled all of the land.

What does 'Homage' meaning?

Whatever you do don't read what's the brackets.(In 1066 (or around then) when William duke of Normandy was announced king of England, he invented a thing called the feudal system - this was when he would give land to the lords and they would return him knights and loyalty and the lords would give the knights land and the knights would give the lords loyalty and a promise to serve in the army and the knights would give land to the peasants who would give them loyalty and clothes and money and other stuff - this bunch of junk was the feudal system.)In Normandy (and in medieval times) when Barons and Bishops were given land they had to swear an oath of loyalty to the lord who was giving it - this was called ' doing homage'to be respect someone.a.k.a honor somethingrespect or reverence paid or renderedSource:

What was the social system did the Franks have?

The Franks had a feudal social system, where land was owned by lords and worked by peasants in exchange for protection. There was a hierarchy of nobility, clergy, and commoners, with the king at the top. This system was characterized by obligations and loyalty tied to land ownership.

Politically feudalism meant?

Feudalism was a political and social system in medieval Europe where land was held by lords in exchange for loyalty and military service from vassals. It was characterized by a hierarchy of power with the king at the top, followed by nobles and then vassals. The system also involved the granting of land (fiefs) from higher-ranking lords to lower-ranking vassals for their service.

What role did monarchs and lords and ladies and knights and peasants play in the Feudal system and what did they do to contribute to the system?

They were to keep an eye out for the king. The lords and ladies hired knights and gave money to the king when needed.

What is the name of the system which ranked society in the following order King Knights Merchants Serfs?

The system you are referring to is called Feudalism. Feudalism was a social and economic system in medieval Europe where land was owned by kings and nobles and was granted to vassals in exchange for loyalty and service. The hierarchy consisted of the king at the top, followed by knights, merchants, and serfs at the bottom.

Who was below the king in Medieval Times feudal system?

Lords and Ladies

What is it called when a knight swore to his king?

homage or loyalty

What were the responsibilities did lords in the feudal system?

The nobles had to give their kings oaths of loyalty and had to support the king with military assistance and taxes. They had to provide farming land and places to live to the serfs on their manors, along with protection. They had to support and obey the Church.

What is the pyramid that shows the medieval time feudal system called?

The feudal system is described by the Feudal Pyramid, which has four basic elements, the king, the lords, the common vassals, and the serfs. It is called a pyramid because each layer was supported by a much larger group that supported it, down to the serfs. The term vassal is sometimes applied only to those below the lords, but the lords were vassals.