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Q: What traditions events and forces helped form an American identity?
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What were some major events of George Washington's presidency?

commanded the colonial forces and opened the first American bank.

List three forces that shape a nation's identity?

Three forces that shape a nation identity, the identity of he individuals inside the nation, (including their beliefs, values, ethnicity, ect.) the geography, (where the nation is located.) and government (political forces within the nation.)

What is the strongest unifying force for a culture?

the answer is religion

How do samurai values and traditions influence modern Japanese society?

Their traditions and celebrations collaborate together and join forces.

When was American Forces Network created?

American Forces Network was created in 1942.

When was American Expeditionary Forces created?

American Expeditionary Forces was created in 1917.

How are people affected by events and forces inside the earth?

Forces and events inside the earth affect people because they have a bearing on what happens on the earth's surface. Earthquakes, waterfalls, and volcanoes are examples of occurrences that result from forces and events occurring inside the earth.

How are people affected by events and forces inside earth?

Forces and events inside the earth affect people because they have a bearing on what happens on the earth's surface. Earthquakes, waterfalls, and volcanoes are examples of occurrences that result from forces and events occurring inside the earth.

Who decided that black people would be known as African American?

The same forces behind the theft of our identity. Just another name to devert the world from finding out who the lost Moorish empire really is.

What are some notable events that have happened in Cambodia?

The architecture of the Khmer Empire, the illegal bombing by American forces during the American(Vietnam)War and the unimaginable nightmare of genocide, committed on the people, by Pol Pot when he commanded the Khmer Rouge.

When did American forces fightback for the attacks on Pearl Harbor?

When did american forces fightback for the attacks on pearl harbor?

Forces that tie a nation together?

Common language, shared history, cultural traditions, and a sense of patriotism are forces that can tie a nation together. These factors help create a sense of identity and belonging among a diverse group of people within a nation.