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The Stamp Act of 1765 was imposed on the colonist by the British parliament. This act placed a tax on paper goods. A secret organization, called the Sons of Liberty, was formed and protested against the passing of the Stamp Act. This led to their involvement in the Boston Tea Party in 1773.

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9y ago
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13y ago

The Parliament of Great Britain replaced the Stamp Act with the Declaratory Act. The declaration stated that Parliament's authority was the same in America as in Britain and asserted Parliament's authority to make binding laws on the American colonies. This essential meant the colonies were in bondage to the crown.

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9y ago

The Stamp Act imposed a new tax on all of the American colonists for all piece of printed paper that they used. This included licenses, legal documents, newspapers, playing cards, and all other types of paper. This resulted in opposition from the colonies in forms including riots and eventually the Stamp Act was repealed out of expediency.

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10y ago

they taxed people on almost everything printed. the colonist hated that law so they protested and protested, and the british finally saw how unfair that law was so they took it back only to pass the delclaratory act of 1766.

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14y ago

The stamps sale to raised money to help the colonist go into the army.......

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12y ago


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14y ago

Yeah, im pretty sure it ended in 1766.

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What happened when the stamp act was repealed in 1766?

the outcome of the stamp act being repealed wass a lot of coloniast bein mad

What was the the outcome of the stamp act?

The stamps sale to raised money to help the colonist go into the army.......

What was the stamp act and what was taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.

What was the stamp act. and what things were taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.

What was the stamp act What things were taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.

What is another word for the stamp act?

The Stamp Act can also be referred to as the Stamp Duty Act.

What act put a tax on paper products?

The stamp tax was the tax that taxed paper.

What act was after the stamp act?

The Townshend Acts succeeded the Stamp Act and was passed by the British Parliament in 1767.

Which came first the Declaratory act or the Stamp Act?

The Stamp Act came before the Quartering Act.

Do you have pictures of the stamp act?

They did not have cameras during the stamp Act.

When did the stamp act pass?

the stamp act was passed in 1765

What was the stamp act and things where under the stamp act?

Many things were under the stamp Act, but mostly printed papers.