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There was a point in the drafting process when the United States Constitution did not include a Bill of Rights, which was the primary sticking point in terms of ratification. A Bill of Rights did get added.

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The lack of a list of protected individual rights

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It did not contain a Bill of Rights

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Q: What was the primary sticking point to ratification on the constitution?
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Initially ratification of the constitution was highly unlikely only after a fierce debate did a combo of factors about its adoption by the 13 states approve it asses the validity of the statement?

The Philadelphia Convention began in secret, the delegates charged with creating limited amendments to the already existing Articles of Confederation. However, the delegates gathered there took on a larger challenge: the creation of an entirely new system of government, and after much debating and finagling the Constitution was born. It was decided that the ratification of the Constitution would be left in the hands of special delegates elected by the people to choose. The ratification of the constitution was not an assured point when it was first introduced due to its radical restructuring of government, however because of the political aggressiveness and the people associated with the Federalist movement it became increasingly inevitable.

According to the Constitution when can a Writ of Habeas Corpus be taken away?

only if public safety is in jeopardy (grad point);)

Who holds powers not specifically granted to the Federal government?

There is absolutely no doubt or debatable point on this question except to those that believe the US Constitution is a "living document and not written law". The Tenth Amendment explicitly states the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the state by the Constitution of the United States are reserved to the states or the people.

Which state was the first state to ratify the constitution?

Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution. Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Delaware took place on December 7, 1787. Delaware's ratification message was short and to the point. The following text is taken from the Library of Congress's copy of Elliot's Debates:"We, the deputies of the people of the Delaware state, in Convention met, having taken in our serious consideration the Federal Constitution proposed and agreed upon by the deputies of the United States in a General Convention held at the city of Philadelphia, on the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, have approved, assented to, ratified, and confirmed, and by these presents do, in virtue of the power and authority to us given, for and in behalf of ourselves and our constituents, fully, freely, and entirely approve of, assent to, ratify, and confirm, the said Constitution.Done in Convention, at Dover, this seventh day of December, in the year aforesaid, and in the year of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth.In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names.Sussex County.John Ingram,John Jones,William Moore,William Hall,Thomas Laws,Isaac Cooper,Woodman Storkley,John Laws,Thomas Evans,Israel Holland.Kent County.Nicholas Ridgely,Richard Smith,George Fruitt,Richard Bassett,James Sykes,Allen M'Lean,Daniel Cummins, Sen.Joseph Barker,Edward White,George Manlove.Newcastle County.James Latimer, President,James Black,John James,Gunning Bedford, Sen.Kensey Johns,Thomas Watson,Solomon Maxwell,Nicholas Way,Thomas Duff,Gunning Bedford, Jun.To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting.I, Thomas Collins, president of the Delaware state, do hereby certify, that the above instrument of writing is a true copy of the original ratification of the Federal Constitution by the Convention of the Delaware state, which original ratification is now in my possession.In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the Delaware state to be hereunto annexed.Thomas Collins"Source for this Answer - U.S. Constitution Online:Click onto the related link below

What was the constitution primarily designed to do?

A constitution is primarily meant to ensure that there is a common reference point for justice and to ensure the overall welfare of every citizen. It guides the relationship between the state and the citizens and the relationship amongst the citizens themselves.

Related questions

The primary sticking point when it came time to ratify the Constitution?

a bill of rights

The ratification process of the constitution occurred during what years?

The Constitution was ratified during the years 1787 to 1790. But it became effective on March 4, 1789 after its ratification by a ninth state, New Hampshire, on June 21, 1788. The Constitution was completed on September 17, 1787, and at that point the process of ratification began. The first state to ratify it was Delaware, on December 7, 1787. According to the Constitution, it was to go into effect in those states that ratified it as soon as a total of nine states did so. The ninth state, New Hampshire, ratified it on June 21, 1788. The last of the original thirteen colonies to ratify the constitution was Rhode Island, which did so on May 29, 1790.

The ratification process of the Constitution occured during which years?

The Constitution was ratified during the years 1787 to 1790. But it became effective on March 4, 1789 after its ratification by a ninth state, New Hampshire, on June 21, 1788. The Constitution was completed on September 17, 1787, and at that point the process of ratification began. The first state to ratify it was Delaware, on December 7, 1787. According to the Constitution, it was to go into effect in those states that ratified it as soon as a total of nine states did so. The ninth state, New Hampshire, ratified it on June 21, 1788. The last of the original thirteen colonies to ratify the constitution was Rhode Island, which did so on May 29, 1790.

What was the major turning point in the history of the united states?

There were many turning points in the history of the United States including the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the ratification of the Constitution, the passing of the Civil Rights Act, and the Treaty of Versailles.

Initially ratification of the constitution was highly unlikely only after a fierce debate did a combo of factors about its adoption by the 13 states approve it asses the validity of the statement?

The Philadelphia Convention began in secret, the delegates charged with creating limited amendments to the already existing Articles of Confederation. However, the delegates gathered there took on a larger challenge: the creation of an entirely new system of government, and after much debating and finagling the Constitution was born. It was decided that the ratification of the Constitution would be left in the hands of special delegates elected by the people to choose. The ratification of the constitution was not an assured point when it was first introduced due to its radical restructuring of government, however because of the political aggressiveness and the people associated with the Federalist movement it became increasingly inevitable.

What was the major sticking point on the ratification of the Constitution?

The Constitution that was sent to the states for ratification set forth the powers of the different branches of a strong federal government but did not guarantee the rights of individual citizens. Many people feared that the government would abuse its power unless certain important rights were guaranteed to the people of the United States, rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom against unreasonable search and seizure and others. Nine states voted to ratify the Constitution, even though they were concerned about the lack of a guarantee of individual rights, but two of the most important states, New York and Virginia, refused to ratify it until they were promised that the Constitution would be amended quickly to correct this omission. (Two other states refused to ratify it until those amendments were actually added.) The Constitution went into effect in 1788 and the ten amendments now known as the Bill of Rights were added on December 15, 1791.

What is a point of land sticking into a body of water?

a peninsula or a cape

What is sticking points between two surfaces that cause friction?

Net force is the sticking point between two surfaces that cause friction.

What will you achieve by sticking to one point in each paragraph?

You will ensure unity in the paragraph.

What should new trainees do through the sticking point and during the less strenuous portion of the lifts?

exhale & inhale

What does I am sticking my neck on out on a limb mean?

The saying is either:I am going out on a limb for you (ie crawling to the end of a dangerous tree branch)orI am sticking my neck out over this (sticking it out to the point where it is exposed and someone my chop my head off)

The second step to amending the constitution Is that an amendment must be approved by?

Amendments to the Constitution may originate from either body of Congress or from a Convention called into creation by two thirds of the state legislatures. Amendments from the former must pass both bodies of Congress with a two thirds majority at which point the Amendment is considered proposed to the states and the ratification process begins. For proposed Amendments to become law three fourths of the states' Legislatures must approve ratification of the Amendment. Currently this requires 38 of the 50 states.The President plays no official role in the passage or rejection of Amendments to the Constitution. The President has no veto power in the process.