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Probably the most effective woman contributor to the American cause leading up to and during the Revolutionary War was Mercy Otis Warren. When her brother asked for a memorable quote, she told him to say, "Taxation without representation is tyranny." She wrote plays which were well received throughout the colonies. They were set in ancient Rome but their problems were about the present era. When George Washington's presidency came under attack, she wrote a play that compared him to the Roman General Cincinnati. Here was the Roman General who wanted to retire to his farm but came back a second time to lead his country. Her play took the heat off President Washington.

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Q: What was the women name who played a very active role in protesting the English?
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Which 1968 event was disrupted by feminists?

A Miss American pageant was disrupted by four protesting feminists, who hung a women's liberation banner over the balcony.

Who fought for women's right to vote?

A group of women called Sufferagetes! they started protesting before the war started but had to stop and help in the war. when the war ended the men were pleased with the womens efforts and gave them the right to vote!

How many US Supreme Court justices have been women since 1887?

Four. In fact, there have only been four women, total, on the US Supreme Court in the nation's history. President Reagan appointed Sandra Day O'Connor as the first female justice in 1981.Sandra Day O'Connor (1981 - 2006, retired)Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1993 - active)Sonia Sotomayor (2009 - active)Elena Kagan (2010 - active)

Did women have revolution?

From the beinning women had a active participants in the events which brought about so many important changes in french society they worked as seamstresses or laundresses sold flers fruits,vegitablesthey also employed as domestic servants houses of prosperous people. most women did not have access to education or job training. their wages were lower than those of men.

What struggles did women encounter when it came to women's suffrage?

They found that men felt that they were superior to them and the women were left at home to complete domestic service whilst they dealt with our great empire. All found the biggest struggle trying to achieve the right to vote, led by Emmeline Pankhurst. Some were put into prison for protesting and were force-fed because they refused to eat anything as part of a boycott (where you ban something) and their campaign. This was a struggle as women found that the prison staff were forced them to eat and feeding the mixture down their nose with a tube. These were difficult times for many suffragettes because more were arrested and the Hunger Strike was harmful to lots of women. Most were also physically and mentally scarred by this event.

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How did women take an active role in protesting the townshend act?

Colonial women played an important role in the bycott.Groups of women called the Daughters of Liberty wove cloth and made other goods to replace imported British goods.

Why susan b anthony arrested?

She was protesting for women's right to vote.

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By protesting for equal rights

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What was the role of the women in North Carolina colony?

Women played an important role in the agricultural work and in domestic work. They were expected to marry and have children. The Lords Proprietors, in 1663, encouraged active Immigration of women and were offered land as grants.

What was the outcome of Alice Paul's group protesting in front of the white house in 1917?

For women's right to vote.

What was the role of colonial woman in protesting taxes?

The colonial women helped by boycotting tea and other fancy extras.

Why were the suffragettes not allowed to vote?

Suffragettes alone weren't allowed to vote, all women could not vote. Suffragettes were only women who were protesting the lack of the right to vote.

Where did Lucy burns meet Alice paul?

Lucy Burns and Alice Paul met in England while they were both involved in the women's suffrage movement. They were both studying and working with prominent suffragists in London at the time.

Do women serve on active duty?

Yes, women serve on active duty in the military. In the United States, women have been serving in the armed forces for decades, and there are no gender restrictions on active duty service. Women contribute in various roles and occupations, including combat positions.

What is 'women' when translated from English to Italian?

"Women" in English is donne in Italian.

In protesting the Miss America Pageant at Atlantic City in 1968 feminists were expressing their disapproval of?

Women being judged primarily upon their physical appearance