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He was president

Some accomplishments as president:

  • Panama Canal treaties
  • Camp David Accords
  • treaty of peace between Egypt and Israel
  • the SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union
  • establishment of U.S. diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China
  • comprehensive energy program conducted by a new Department of Energy
  • deregulation in energy, transportation, communications, and finance
  • educational programs under a new Department of Education
  • environmental protection legislation, including the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act.

During his presidency, he was frequently mocked -- this was undeserved, a political ploy by his opponents-- and as a result he has been undervalued in the U.S. The Nobel Prize committee, however, awarded the Peace Prize to him for his continuing efforts.

If you want to see his long list of accomplishments AFTER the Presidency check out the Carter Center. They have done amazing work. He has turned out to be one of the greatest humanitarians of our time.

You can find a biography of President Carter at the Carter Center website[
Also look at the Wikipedia entry, at

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12y ago

Significant foreign policy accomplishments of his administration included the Panama Canal treaties, the Camp David Accords, the treaty of peace between Egypt and Israel, the SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union, and the establishment of U.S. diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. He championed human rights throughout the world. On the domestic side, the administration's achievements included a comprehensive energy program conducted by a new Department of Energy; deregulation in energy, transportation, communications, and finance; major educational programs under a new Department of Education; and major environmental protection legislation, including the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act.

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12y ago

The hostage crisis in Iran and the botched rescue attempt was his most costly problem. The double-digit inflation was another terrible feature of his administration. He had a problem with his embarrassing Georgia buddy Bert Lance and with his own brother , Billy. There was the usual growing concern about energy. Giving away the Panama Canal provoked a lot of controversy.


From my analysis, President Carter was a perfectionist and wanted everything he did to be the perfect answer. That does not and never did work in Washington, where compromise and adjustment and cooperation and collaboration and just plain settling for less and different is the key to getting anything done, no matter how watered down and changed it may be from its original intent. Perfection was and is never possible in politics, and Mr. Carter was mostly an ineffective president as a result of his inability to adjust and work within that severe limitation.

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Morgage rates

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What are Jimmy Carters acheivments?

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