In WW2, the US fought on two major fronts, the Pacific and the European fronts. The European front can be further divided into Europe proper and North Africa where the Americans faced off briefly with the Vichy French. The Pacific front stretched for thousands of miles. In Europe, the Americans' main thrust was through France and Italy.
In the European Theater, the two major fronts of World War II were the Western Front (in 1944-1945) and the Eastern Front (1941-1945). Axis and Allied forces also clashed in North Africa and then in Italy, but this was considered by many to be a front of minor importance. In the Pacific Theater, battles raged far and wide between Japan and the Allies, on both land and sea.
Yes, the two fronts were the European theater in which troops were sent to fight Nazi Germany and the Axis powers in Europe. The second front was the Pacific theater in which U.S. troops fought the Japanese an ally of Nazi Germany and a member of the Axis powers in Japan/Pacific Islands.
Hitler declared war on the US, thereby bringing the US to the war in Europe. After December 1, 1941, the US Congress declared war on Japan.
The front line of World War 2 was the eastern front. The battles at the eastern front were the largest battles in history.
Fighting on two fronts: The Germans and the Japanese.
The first two battles of the Revolutionary War that were fought were the Battles of Lexington and Concord.
No real difference. The American Revolution was fought as a war for independence. Either works.
The first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln. During his tenure, the Civil War was fought and won -- however, this was not a war in a foreign country. Since Lincoln, we have fought several other wars. The Spanish American war of 1898 was fought and won while Democratic president Grover Cleveland was in office. Democrat Woodrow Wilson was in office when the United States and other Entente powers won World War I. World War II was fought and won by two Democratic Presidents -- Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. The Korean War was fought under the tenure of Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower, but there is some dispute about whether that war was actually "won" and even if it is officially ended. The Vietnam War was fought under the oversight of Presidents Eisenhower (R), Kennedy (D), Johnson (D), Nixon (R) and Ford (R). It is widely accepted that this is also not a conflict that the United States "won". Now we come to perhaps your best bet of a Republican war that was "won" while the Republican was in office -- the first Persian Gulf War, fought during the administration of Republican George HW Bush.
The Hundred Years War (1337-1353) involved two chief belligerents. These were the United Kingdom and France, but also included other allied forces.
It fought the war in two separate locations.It had to split its army to fight on two fronts.~APEX
Because they fought on multiple fronts.
Because they fought on multiple fronts.
There were actually three fronts in World War Two. The Pacific, European, and North African fronts.
World War I was fought on two major fronts. The Eastern Front was located in the Middle East and the Western Front was situated in France.
World War Two was fought in the Pacific and the Atlantic and Western Europe and Eastern Europe (and Africa) at the same time. So technically the war was fought on many fronts. In Europe it was a two front war on the West and East side. When you consider the USA the war was fought on two sides of the nation in two different oceans and different countries so they considered it a two front war too.
America fought the Pacific War with a strategy called island hopping. This was when America would fight the Japanese off of an island, and then use that island to target the next island. The island battles were horrifically brutal, as the Japanese fought till the death.
WW2 was not "discovered " it was a war that the world was involved in on two fronts.
It didn't stay out of the war. The United States fought the war on two fronts. Organized and planned the invasion of Europe along with the allies and took islands in the Pacific from the Japanese.
the western, Germany and pacific front Japan...however, you could say there were three fronts. those two are important, but the other is the home front. it had the most impact on the US economicaly,politicaly and socialy.
world war two was actually fought in Idaho.
The united states was at war on two fronts, Asia and europe