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January 1998 Tuesday 06: The Lunar Prospector spacecraft is launched to survey the moon's surface. Sunday 11: Sidi-Hamed massacre in Algeria; over 100 people killed. Wednesday 14: An Afghan cargo plane crashes into a mountain in southwest Pakistan killing more than 50 people. Friday 16: NASA announces that John Glenn will return to space when Space Shuttle Discovery blasts off in October 1998. Monday 26: Compaq buys Digital Equipment Corporation. » January 1998 February 1998 Monday 02: A Cebu Pacific airlines DC-9-32 crashes into a mountain near Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, killing 104 Thursday 12: The presidential line-item veto is declared unconstitutional by United States federal judge. Monday 16: China Airlines Flight 676 crashed into a residential area near by Chiang Kai-shek International Airport, killing 202 people, included all 196 on board and six on the ground. Wednesday 18: Two white separatists are arrested in Nevada and accused of plotting a biological attack on New York City subways. Friday 20: The afternoon newspaper Nashville Banner publishes its final edition. » February 1998 March 1998 Wednesday 04: Gay rights: The Supreme Court of the United States rules that federal laws banning on-the-job sexual harassment also apply when both parties are the same sex. Tuesday 10: American troops stationed in the Persian Gulf begin to receive the first vaccinations against anthrax. Saturday 14: An earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale hits southeastern Iran. Tuesday 24: Jonesboro massacre: In Jonesboro, Arkansas, two boys (aged 11 and 13 years) fire upon students at Westside Middle School. Four students and one teacher are killed and 10 injured. Thursday 26: Oued Bouaicha massacre in Algeria; 52 people killed with axes and knives, 32 of them babies under the age of 2. » March 1998 April 1998 Sunday 05: In Japan, the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge linking Shikoku with Honshu and costing about US$3.8 billion, opens to traffic, becoming the largest suspension bridge in the world. Tuesday 07: Citicorp and Travelers Group announce plans to merge creating the largest financial-services conglomerate in the world, Citigroup. Thursday 09: The National Prisoner of War Museum is dedicated in Andersonville, Georgia, on the site of an American Civil War POW camp. Thursday 16: One of the most serious urban tornadoes in history does significant damage to downtown Nashville, Tennessee (see Nashville Tornado of 1998). Monday 20: German terrorist group Red Army Faction announces their dissolution after 28 years. » April 1998 May 1998 Wednesday 06: The body of former CIA director William Colby was found washed up on a riverbank in southern Maryland, eight days after he’d disappeared. Sunday 10: National elections are held in Hungary. Monday 11: ZDTV, "the official technology television network", begins broadcasting. It lasts six years before merging with G4 to become G4techTV, a gaming channel. Thursday 14: After nine years on the air, the series finale of the television sitcom Seinfeld airs on NBC. Saturday 30: A 6.6 magnitude earthquake hits northern Afghanistan, killing up to 5,000. » May 1998 June 1998 Wednesday 03: Eschede train disaster: an ICE high speed train derails in Lower Saxony, Germany, causing 101 deaths. Thursday 04: Terry Nichols is sentenced to life in prison for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing. Friday 05: Both Reuters and ABC news erroneously report the death of comedian Bob Hope after Arizona congressman Bob Stump announces the demise of Hope on the floor of the US Congress. Monday 08: Charlton Heston assumes the presidency of the U.S. National Rifle Association. Thursday 11: Compaq Computer pays $9 billion for Digital Equipment Corporation in largest high-tech acquisition. » June 1998 July 1998 Sunday 05: Japan launches a probe to Mars, and thus joins the United States and Russia as a space exploring nation. Sunday 12: KDE 1.0 released. Saturday 18: A 23-foot tidal wave kills nearly 3,000 people in Papua New Guinea. Friday 24: Russel Eugene Weston Jr. bursts into the United States Capitol and opens fire killing two police officers. He is later ruled to be incompetent to stand trial. Tuesday 28: Monica Lewinsky scandal: Ex-White House intern, Monica Lewinsky receives transactional immunity in exchange for her grand jury testimony concerning her relationship with US President Bill Clinton. » July 1998 August 1998 Friday 07: 1998 U.S. embassy bombings: Bombing of the United States embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya kills 224 people and injures over 4,500. Saturday 15: Omagh bomb in Northern Ireland, becoming the worst terrorist incident of The Troubles Monday 17: Monica Lewinsky scandal: US President Bill Clinton admits in taped testimony that he had an "improper physical relationship" with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. On the same day he admits before the nation that he "misled people" about his relationship. Thursday 20: 1998 U.S. embassy bombings: The United States military launches cruise missile attacks against alleged al-Qaida camps in Afghanistan and a suspected chemical plant in Sudan in retaliation for the August 7 bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum is destroyed in the attack. Monday 31: North Korea reportedly launchs Kwangmyongsong, its first satellite. » August 1998 September 1998 Wednesday 02: The UN's International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda finds Jean-Paul Akayesu, the former mayor of a small town in Rwanda, guilty of nine counts of genocide. Monday 07: Google Inc. is founded. Friday 11: Independent counsel Kenneth Starr sends a report to the U.S. Congress accusing President Bill Clinton of 11 possible impeachable offenses. Monday 14: Telecommunications companies MCI Communications and WorldCom complete their $37 billion merger to form MCI WorldCom. Friday 25: A Pauknair BAE146 crashes into hillside in Morocco killing 38. » September 1998 October 1998 Thursday 01: ICANN assumes responsibility for selling top-level domain names for the Internet. Saturday 24: Tropical Storm Mitch reaches hurricane strength. Wednesday 28: An Air China jetliner is hijacked by disgruntled pilot Yuan Bin and flown to Taiwan. After landing the plane safely, Yuan Bin was arrested. Thursday 29: Hurricane Mitch made landfall in Honduras. Saturday 31: Iraq disarmament crisis begins: Iraq announces it would no longer cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors. » October 1998 November 1998 Sunday 01: The European Court of Human Rights is instituted. Tuesday 03: Former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura is elected Governor of the U.S. state of Minnesota. Monday 09: Brokerage houses are ordered to pay US$1.03 billion to cheated NASDAQ investors to compensate for their price-fixing. This is the largest civil settlement in United States history. Saturday 14: Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra are married in Las Vegas, Nevada. Monday 30: Deutsche Bank announces a US$10 billion deal to buy Bankers Trust, thus creating the largest financial institution in the world. » November 1998 December 1998 Tuesday 01: Exxon announces a US$73.7 billion deal to buy Mobil, thus creating Exxon-Mobil, the largest company on the planet. Friday 04: The second module of the International Space Station, Unity, was launched. Tuesday 08: 81 people killed by armed groups in the Tadjena massacre in Algeria. Friday 11: A Thai Airways Airbus A310-200 crashes just short of runway at Surat Thani Airport, killing 101. Wednesday 16: Operation Desert Fox: American and British troops begin to bomb Iraqi targets after Iraq obstructs UN weapons inspectors.

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15y ago
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7y ago

There are many major events that happened in 1999. One major event that happened is the Columbine High School massacre. Another major event was that John F Kennedy Jr. died in a plane crash./// Also, pro golfer Payne Stewart died when his private plane lost pressurization causing the deaths of all on board.

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14y ago

whats historical event happened is 1999 was the British had almost lost a fight but almost lost like half a army

when the heck did this happen? look up.

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9y ago

One important event that happened in the world in 1999 was the introduction of the Euro. Something else that happened in 1999 was Jesse Ventura was sworn in as governor in Minnesota.

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13y ago

One was the great anticipation whether or not our computers would crash.

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13y ago

The Blackberry Phone was invented- hope this helped!

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10y ago

One important historical event that happened in 1999 was the introduction of the Euro currency. Another important event was Crown Prince Abdullah becoming the King of Jordan.

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12y ago

it was pakistans first war with england

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