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Q: What year did the third estate stop paying taxes in the french revolution?
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What estate was exempt from paying taxes during the French revolution?

The Third Estate (peasants and middle class professionals) paid the most taxes, yet they were the poorest

Why did the french revolution happen and what was the result?

The French Revolution was the most violent rebellion in history that began in 1789. The success of the American Revolution led the French to rebel in the hopes of a new government. It was during the time when Louis the XVIII and Marie Antoinette were in power. They were both incompetent and were unable to rule and fix the dire economic issues.

Why did the 3Rd estate have to pay taxes in the french revolution?

to pay off war debts from the American revolution

Who were supporters of the french revolution?

Basically the 3rd state were supporters of the french revolution, they made up 98% of the population. The 1st and 2nd estate were the King and clergy. They all lived luxury lifestyles and didn't pay taxes. They didn't try to help the 3rd estate who were in so much debt of paying taxes. When they were making decisions, the 1st and 2nd estate always outvoted the third estate. As a result, taxes were increased! This is why the 3rd estate wanted to become a republic, where decisions of the 3rd estate would stand out more and they could have more of a say in various issues like taxes.

Is the executor responsible for paying all taxes on an estate?

The estate is responsible for paying all taxes. The executor is responsible for making sure that the estate does so.

What social groups were exempt from paying taxes Prior to the French Revolution?

The Third Estate, which included peasants, craftsmen, and business people.

Where did the nobles during the french revolution get their money from?

the nobles received their money from the taxes that the third estate paid.

Why the third estate was not happy with the outcome of the french revolution?

because they were the only persons who were asked to pay taxes

How did the king treat the people of France in the Third Estate during the French Revolution?

harsh with unfair taxes.

Who paid more taxes third estate or 1st estate?

No, they did not. They were exempted from paying taxes. Only the 3rd estate (the bourgeoisie) had to pay taxes.

What injustice started the French Revolution?

An outdated tax code that exempted the wealthiest 3% of the population from paying taxes.

What led to the revolution?

the reasons behind french revolution was the people of third estate were made pay high taxes and they don't had the freedom and they were forced to work without pay.