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Q: When General Howe went back to New York after defeating Washington he left a large British force at Trenton New Jersey to watch Washington's army?
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When general howe went back to New York after defeating Washington he left a large british force at Trenton New Jersey to watch washingtons army?


How did George Washington help win the America revolution?

he had good startgdy and he was smart with what he did in the wart and some battles the british surrendered

When General Howe went back to New York after defeating Washington he left a large British force at Trenton New York to watch Washington's army?


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It is when Washington took the city of Boston

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Samuel Osgood was the 1st United States Postmaster General, serving from 1789 to 1791. He was appointed by President George Washington.

Where did Washington defeat the British?

At Yorktown. Washington and the french navy overpowered the british,and General Cornwalis Surrendered.

Who was the haughty British general who surrounded Washington at Yorktown?

General Cornwallis

Was General Henry Clinton top aide to George Washington?

No. He was a British general.

What did Washington's win over the Hessians at Trenton the day after Christmas accomplish?

It was a significant victory of largely untrained soldiers under General Washington's command over highly trained German troops that were working for the British. It gave new energy and encouragement to the Americans, showing that they could win battles, and potentially the war. When General Howe went back to New York after defeating Washington, he left a large British force at Trenton, New Jersey, to watch Washington's army. (False)

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George Washington was the general of the Continental Army, he was the highest rank. Therefore, he had no commander.

Who was involved in the battle of Yorktown?

Americans and French against British There was general George Washington, General Conwallis, and a French general too

Was William Howe British?

General Washington in New York