His farewell address appeared in print on September 17,1796. He may have let it be known before that he would not seek a third term.
George Washington, who served two terms between 1789 and 1797, did not seek a third term in office.
George Washington served two terms and then declined a third.
George Washington began his term in 1789. He served two terms.
This tradition began with the first President,George Washington. Many people wanted Washington to serve another term, but he refused , not wanting to set a dangerous precedent . He surely did not want the country ever to have a king or other life-time ruler.During the war years, Roosevelt broke the tradition in 1940 by running (and winning) for a third and fourth term due to the urgency of the times.In February of 1951, a Republican dominated congress passed the 22nd Amendment, which states that no person can be elected president more than twice. It further limits access to the presidency by denying access to the vice-presidency, as that could lead to an illegal ascendency.
He did not resign the Presidency, but declined to accept a third term
the constitution denied George Washington a third term
George Washington
George Washington ran unopposed and was elected to his second term in 1792. He declined to run for a third term.
George Washington was the first president to be elected twice. In fact, Washington had to decline to serve a third term and thereby established the precedent against remaining in office for more than two terms.
George Washington.
George Washington
George Washington set this precedent which was observed until Franklin Roosevelt decided to run for a third term in 1940.
He ran for a third term.
George Washington set this precedent when he refused to run for a third term despite encouragement from many to do so.
George Washington, who served two terms between 1789 and 1797, did not seek a third term in office.