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The right to vote was gain slowly overtime along with England changing government restrictions, from a monarchy to constitutional monarchy with a larger house of commoners. Reform acts and Representation of the People Acts effected who was able to vote. First was the Reform Act of 1832 that allowed men who had housing of a certain value to vote, but still many were unable to vote. Next came the Reform Act 1867 that allowed all males who owned housing to vote. In 1884 Representation of the People Act was passed; this helped extended rights to those living in the countryside. Representation of the People Act of 1918 let those who fought in the war and women that helped in some way to vote. Also men of 21 years of age were allowed to vote and women 30 years old and owned land were allowed. In 1928 women were given equal rights as men (21 yrs old). In 1948 plural voting protections passed and in 1969 18 year olds allowed to vote. Representation of the People Acts were passed in 1083, '85, and 2000 with simple modifications.

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Q: When did the common people of England get the vote?
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Does England have the right to vote?

No,they have monarchy government,which is ruled by a queen or a king and stays within one royal family.If the had a democracy,which is ruled by the people,they could vote. The United Kingdom which includes England does have the right to vote in Government Elections. It has nothing to do with the Queen and Monarchy.

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no he was democrat so he was with the common people.

Can you vote in Oman?

Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.