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Several of the ideas in the Constitution were new, and a large number of ideas were drawn from the literature of Republicanism in the United States, from the experiences of the 13 states, and from the British experience with mixed government. The most important influence from the European continent was from Montesquieu, who emphasized the need to have balanced forces pushing against each other to prevent tyranny. (This in itself reflects the influence of Polybius' 2nd-century BC treatise on the checks and balances of the constitution of the Roman Republic.) john Locke is known to have been a major influence, and the due process clause of the United States Constitution was partly based on common law stretching back to the Magna Carta of 1215.

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The philosophers of the Renaissance were a big source of inspiration - especially Locke (he came up with the fundamental rights of life, liberty, and property which Jefferson quoted in the Declaration, albeit slightly modified to better fit his cause).

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i have no clue im looking for it too this website is a waste of time....seriously!!!

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the Roman rebublice

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The Suffolk Resolves.

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Q: Where did the US founding fathers find inspiration new government?
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Akrho password-Where can you find the living monuments of our founding fathers?

In the hearth of Akrho

How many founding fathers signed the Constitution?

Of the forty-two delegates who attended most of the meetings, thirty-nine actually signed the Constitution. Edmund Randolph and George Mason of Virginia and Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts refused to sign due in part to the lack of a bill of rights.

How democratic were the founding fathers or did they create the Constitution only to fit their needs?

Charles Beard and John P. Roche give marvellous (opposing) opinons on this issue. Beard's writings can be found online in full (see first link below) but, as Roche is still alive he still is trying to make money off his ideas. Find "The Founding Fathers: A Reform Caucus in Action" in a library or at a book store for more info. (In other words, decide for yourself). -Political scientist John P. Roche asserts that the Founding Fathers were not only revolutionaries but also superb democratic politicians who created a Constitution that supported the needs of the nation and at the same time was acceptable to the people.

What state were each of the founding fathers from?

There were lots of people who can be called founding fathers. The best thing for you to do is look up the individual names in an encyclopedia or your textbook. Even a dictionary will have the more famous men like Washington and Jefferson. If for some reason you don't have access to any such books do Google searches for the names you have, I'm sure they will all be on the internet many times. Anyway, go look them up. Any writeup on them will tell you their states. Michael Montagne I agree with the person above. The founding fathers are from such a wide rage of places that its hard to name all of the places. If there's once specific place your looking for or a specific founding father you want to find from a certain area do a search on google for the name or otherwise just put in founding fathers from the state of Connecticut or something. I hope i helped. There are many founding fathers that contributed to making our country what it is today but the most recognized are eleven of them. The following is a list of those eleven and what states they came from: George Washington, James Madison, Edmund Randolph, George Mason, and Thomas Jefferson (Virginia); John Adams (Massachusetts); Benjamin Franklin and James Wilson (Pennsylvania); Alexander Hamilton and Gouverneur Morris(New York); and Roger Sherman (Connecticut).

Who today could be compared to the founding fathers including women?

Some people that could be compared to a founding father are people who are very responsible, intelligent, are great leaders, and carry great ideas and principles. Some of these people are: Bill Gates, Connie Rice, Rush Limbaugh, George W. Bush, and General Schwartzkoff(a general in the gulf war) Some other great leaders or founding fathers that have passes recently are Martin Luther King Jr. and Ronald Reagan. We've drifted so far from the revolutionary spirit of that day, and government has grown so oppressively large, that nobody really comes to mind today who can compare with the Founders. Among prominent politicians, the only person who comes to mind is Ronald Reagan for his faith in the people and his small-r republican spirit. But even he presided over a government that the Founders would consider enormous. Among lesser-known figures, maybe Texas congressman Ron Paul. Among women? Ayn Rand, perhaps, though her anti-religion zeal wouldn't sit well with the Founders. The Libertarian Party as a whole captures the Founders' spirit fairly well, too, but not completely. In any event, the Founders would surely find our current and former president to be disgraces of the highest order.

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The Founding Fathers founded the government of the United States, but did not "find" America. The continent had already been explored before they were born.

Akrho password-Where can you find the living monuments of our founding fathers?

In the hearth of Akrho

Where were the founding fathers hometowns?

The Founding Fathers are usually considered to be the delegates who attended the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention. You can read about the delegates from each state, and find their hometowns at the following site. MrV

Where can you i find information on the names of the founding fathers?

I would suggest thsat you try the library, this is the old fashion way

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14 Presidents have been Mason's. Of these were Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison. If you compare the constitution of the United States to the Masonic constitution you will find some things that are alike. Washington was buried with a Masonic funeral and was past Grand Master and Master of his lodge.

Who decided how states ratify amendments?

The system for ratifying Amendments is detailed within the Constitution therefore, by extension, the original creators of the Constitution decide the system by which states ratify Amendments. You can find many examples of these "Founding Fathers" online.

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There are many places one might go to find inspiration for light displays. The Good Housekeeping website is one such resource one might use to find inspiration.

How can i get my motivation back and unlack inspiration?

You can read self motivational books to help get your motivation back and find inspiration.