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Africa coast

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Q: Where did the portuguese establish a major presence in the 1400s?
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What were the major nations of Europe by the late 1400s?

By the late 1400s, four major nations were taking shape in Western Europe: Spain, Portugal, France and England

What were the four major nations of Europe by the late 1400s?

By the late 1400s, four major nations were taking shape in Western Europe: Spain, Portugal, France and England

On which continent are two major languages Spanish and Portuguese?

Spanish and Portuguese are the two major languages in South America.

Which are the two major Portuguese speaking countries that have Portuguese as their official language?

Portugal and Brazil

Where is portuguese the major language of the country?


What major crop did the portuguese produce?


What is another major language spoken in Latin America?


What are the major lanuages in Latin America?

Spanish, Portuguese, French.

What is the major language spoken in America?

English, spanish, and portuguese are the major languages of the Americas by total speakers.

What major crop did the portuguese produce using slaves from africa?

it was tea

What major crops did the Portuguese produce Using enslaved africans?

It is sugarcane

What is a padrao and why did portuguese explorers put them up?

a padrao is a stone pillar left by portugese maritime explorers in the 15th and 16th centuries to record significant landfalls and thereby establish primacy and possession they were often placed on promontories and capes or at the mouths of major rivers