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In Yorktown, Virginia

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In Yorktown, Virginia

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Q: Where did washington's troops trap cornwallis army?
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What admiral helped trap Cornwallis at yorktown?

The admiral that helped trap General Lord Cornwallis at the Siege of Yorktown was Comte (or admiral) de Grasse.

The Battle of Yorktown was the pivotal battle in the Revolutionary War Describe how General Cornwallis was defeated in this battle?

General Charles Cornwallis basically lost the Revolutionary War after surrendering in this battle. General George Washington and the French Navy managed to trap him and his 8,000 troops in a small port town on Virginia's York River.

What were George Washington's accomplishments during the American Revolution?

George Washington was in charge of the Continental Army in the American Revolution. Many of the troops only joined the army because they trusted and admired Washington. On December 25, 1776, Washington's troops rowed across the Delaware River to New Jersey where they attacked the Hessians at Trenton. The Americans captured and killed over 900 Hessians and seized much needed supplies. In September of 1777 General Washington fought against the British general Howe at the Battle at Brandywine. Howe was able to defeat Washington, but failed in capturing him. During the Winter at Valley Forge, Washington kept his troops together and encouraged them to keep their pride in being Americans. Lieutenant Colonel John Brooks wrote that the army stayed together because of "Love for the County." The troops also stayed for love of Washington. Private Samuel Downing even went as far as to say that the soldiers would "sell their lives for him." In the Battle of Yorktown, the last major battle of the war, Washington led his troops from the north of the Chesapeake Bay to trap General Cornwallis on the peninsula. Washington and his French allies bombarded Yorktown until Cornwallis finally surrendered.

What was the outcome of the battle of cowpens?

NEW ANSWER:In October 1780, the Continental Congress named Major General Nathanael Greene to replace Gates as commander of the Southern army. Greene was a superb choice because he knew how to accomplish much with extremely few resources. Greene divided his troops into two small armies. He led one army and put Brigadier General Daniel Morgan in charge of the other.Green hoped to avoid battle with Cornwallis' far stronger force while he rebuilt the Southern army. Instead, Greene planned to let the British chase the Americans around the countryside.General Cornwallis set out to trap Morgan's army. Just before the British caught up with him, Morgan prepared for battle in a cattle-grazing area known as Cowpens, in northern South Carolina.On January 17, 1781, Morgan's sharpshooting riflemen quickly killed or captured nearly all the onrushing redcoats. The patriot victory at Cowpens enraged Cornwallis, and he would now pursue Morgan with even greater determination.

Why were thy called rats of tobruk?

Becasue during German propaganda radio broadcasts 'Lord Haw Haw' as called by Allied troops, would refer to the Tobruk garrison as "poor desert rats of Tobruk", mocking them and saying that they were caught like rats in a trap, and that they could not get out. When he was saying this he was specificaly refering to the Australian troops, the 9th Division and 18th Brigade. They then adopted this and became known as the 'Rats of Tobruk'.

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Where did washingtons troops trap Cornwallis's army at?


Where did washingtons troops trap Cornwallis's army?


Where did Washington's troop trap Cornwallis army at?


Why did Cornwallis decide to take his troops and camp at Yorktown?

Cornwallis decided to take his troops north and camp at Yorktown because Cornwallis was quite tired of marching. Washington's army and himself were only hundreds of miles north. Washington thought of a plan to trap the British. His plan was to bring his army south to join Greene. So the American and French Soldiers could surround Yorktown by land. If the French navy sailed into Chesapeake Bay, French Ships could also trap the British. Finally the British Army was trapped.

Why did Cornwallis decide to take his troops to camp at Yorktown?

Cornwallis decided to take his troops north and camp at Yorktown because Cornwallis was quite tired of marching. Washington's army and himself were only hundreds of miles north. Washington thought of a plan to trap the British. His plan was to bring his army south to join Greene. So the American and French Soldiers could surround Yorktown by land. If the French navy sailed into Chesapeake Bay, French Ships could also trap the British. Finally the British Army was trapped.

Where did the American and French forces trap General Cornwallis and his British army?

Cornwallis and his forces were on a peninsula at Yorktown.

Why was Cornwallis forced to surrender in Yorktown?

George washing and his troops trapped Cornwallis's troop on a peninsula in Charleston. They had no way to escape.

Who did George Washington plan to trap at Yorktown?

he planned to trap Cornwallis

What admiral helped trap Cornwallis at yorktown?

The admiral that helped trap General Lord Cornwallis at the Siege of Yorktown was Comte (or admiral) de Grasse.

Why was Yorktown a good place to trap general Cornwallis and the British army?

It's location is why Yorktown was a good place for Cornwallis to establish fortifications. General Sir Henry Clinton, told Cornwallis to establish a fortified naval station.

Why did General Cornwallis lead his country to Yorktown?

Cornwallis decided to take his troops north and camp at Yorktown because Cornwallis was quite tired of marching. Washington's army and himself were only hundreds of miles north. Washington thought of a plan to trap the British. His plan was to bring his army south to join Greene. So the American and French Soldiers could surround Yorktown by land. If the French navy sailed into Chesapeake Bay, French Ships could also trap the British. Finally the British Army was trapped.

Who joined forces to trap Cornwallis at Yorktown?

The French and the Americans