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It is not a custom, but an amendment from the presidency of FDR. Washington set the tone to only serve 2 terms. He felt that a person should serve his country and then go home.

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Q: Which President established the custom of not seeking a third term?
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Which president established a custom of not seeking a third term?

George Washington

Which president established the custom of not running for a third term?

George Washington set this precedent which was observed until Franklin Roosevelt decided to run for a third term in 1940.

Which president estadlished the custom of not seeeking a third term?

George Washington.

Who broke the third term custom and ran and became president?

Franklin Roosevelt

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The Framers of the Constitution considered a six or seven-year term for the president before deciding on a four-year term with the option of reelection. Although the Constitution did not place a limit on the number of times a president can be reelected, President George Washington established the precedent of not seeking a third term.

Which custom eventually became part of the constitution as the 22nd amendment?

A president not serving more than two terms. This custom was broken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and soon after, the 22nd Amendment came to limit a president to a maximum of two terms.

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The first, and only president elected for a third term was Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940 due to some concerns during WWII. He was also elected in 1947 for a fourth term, but died only months into his fourth term.

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Thomas Jefferson was the third president; Aaron Burr the third vice president .

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When Franklin D. Roosevelt broke the no-third-term tradition did he violate the constitution?

No, prior to Franklin Roosevelt enacting a third term, there was no mention in the number of terms a president could serve in the Constitution. Since George Washington had just served two terms, most presidents had taken it as an unspoken rule. After President Roosevelt died in 1945, Congress created the Twenty-Second Amendment which limited a president to two terms of office.

Who was the 1st and third president?

The first president of the United States was George Washington. The third president was Thomas Jefferson.