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the F.O.O.P. branch can reject treaties. they are an underground brach that no on ever considers at first glance, but they control all of the other branches secretly.

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Q: Which branch may reject treaties?
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Who may reject treaties?

Only congress can.

Which branch of government may disapprove treaties?

Executive branch!

Does the legislative branch create treaties?

They must meet with the other countries, work out the details and agree to it, finalize the treaty into a bill of sorts, and the Senate must confirm it with a vote of 2/3. Pretty cut-and-dry.

Who can approve or reject treaties?

Only Congress.

What branch of branch ratifies treaties?

The president can make treaties, but Congress must ratify them.

What branch of the US government ratifies treaties?

The legislative branch is responsible for the approval and ratification of treaties.

What branch of the US government can ratify treaties?

The legislative branch is responsible for the approval and ratification of treaties.

Which branch can accept or reject appointments made by the executive branch?

The Upper House of the Legislative Branch (aka US Senate) can reject any high level appointment of the president such as a federal judge, ambassador or cabinet member. (The president is allowed to make certain lower level appointment without approval )

Does the senate and house reject treaties?

yes, I think so.

Who can reject President's appointments and refuse to ratify treaties?

According the United States Constitution, the US Senate can refuse the president's appointments. It can also reject treaties that have been agreed to by the president.

What branch of government reviews treaties?

The Judaical branch

Which branch checks the ratification of treaties?

Executive Branch