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The French Revolution happened in 1789.

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Q: Which country's people followed the example of the American colonists rebelling against their king in 1789?
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What did the preamble to the Declaration of Independence say?

it listed the rights the colonist believed they had Its aim was to inform the King of the rights the colonists had as human beings, how Great Britain had violated these rights, and what they had to do in order to remedy this. The preamble was followed by a list of specific grievances of the colonists.

What events followed Lexington and Concord?

Incidents happened by the colonists were angryed because the britsh burned houses and fired upon innocent people

What did the colonist do when the townshend Acts were passed?

The British Parliament repealed some of the Townshend Act duties. While most of the new taxes were repealed, the tax on tea continued and the British government kept on trying to tax the colonists without their consent. This finally led to the Boston Tea Party, followed by the American Revolution.

How did the battle of Yorktown affect the course of American history?

The upset of the British was the key to the success of the revolution. By trapping the major British forces between the American soldiers and the French Navy forced the British to surrender. This was the key to the Victory of the colonists.

Battle That Convinced the French To Join Th American Side?

During the American Revolution, the French finally decided to provide significant help to the American cause after the Battle of Saratoga. Actually consisting of several distinct battles, the Saratoga victory came in 1777 and was followed by a formal American/French alliance along with military and other support from France.

Related questions

Who passed laws that colonists followed?

The American colonies were British and followed British law. British law was passed by the British Parliament.

Who passed the laws that colonists followed?

The American colonies were British and followed British law. British law was passed by the British Parliament.

How did the ideas of the Enlightenment affect the American colonies and its people?

The grievances of American colonists reflected enlightenment ideas in that the American colonists refused to acknowledge that the monarchy was sovereign and the supreme law of the land. The colonists followed the enlightenment ideas that rights were natural and belonged to individuals at the moment of creation. This served as a basis of resistance to what the colonists believed to be tyranny and oppression.

Was there any acts or taxes from the British that the American Colonists didn't like?

In fact, American colonists hated all the acts and taxes placed on them by King Geogre the III. Loyalists tried to get by and supported and remained loyal to the King and peacefully followed his rules usually without question.sdthawertha

Why was poor Richard important?

was full of wise advice that the colonists followed

Why was poor Richard's almanack important?

was full of wise advice that the colonists followed

What was the colonists' response to the change in the British policies in the 1760s?

In response to the change in British policies in the 1760s, the colonists organized boycotts, followed by a revolution

What was the colonists response to the change in british policies in 1760?

In response to the change in British policies in the 1760s, the colonists organized boycotts, followed by a revolution

What was the colonists' response to the change in british policies in 1760?

In response to the change in British policies in the 1760s, the colonists organized boycotts, followed by a revolution

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Teacher in Fiji is also called Teacher. Fiji is an island nation that speaks English. English is the countrys main language followed by Fijian and Fiji-Hindi.

What did the preamble to the Declaration of Independence say?

it listed the rights the colonist believed they had Its aim was to inform the King of the rights the colonists had as human beings, how Great Britain had violated these rights, and what they had to do in order to remedy this. The preamble was followed by a list of specific grievances of the colonists.

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In recent years there has been a rebellion in Egypt against longtime ruler and despot Hosni Mubarak, followed by another rebellion against elected President Mohammad Morsi, followed by another rebellion against the military coup which removed Morsi from power.