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James Wilson and Gouvernor Morris, both of Pennsylvania. No other state supported this proposal.

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Q: Which founding fathers favored direct election of the President?
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What are the differences between our government now and the Founding Fathers' government?

The Founding Fathers envisioned a government that would exist solely for their furtherance of the rights of the citizens. They probably wouldn't have liked the strong arm of the government our country has now. The NSA scandal would have been appalling to them, and may have elicited another revolution. As many of the Founding Fathers favored an isolationist stance, our current involvement in Middle Eastern affairs would not have been welcomed.

What party favored states' rights on the 1828 election?

The Democratic-Republican party

Why did political parties first form in America?

There were differing views between the founding fathers on the strength of the national government when writing the Constitution. The first political parties in the US were the Federalist and the Democratic-Republicans(jeffersonians). The federalist favored a strong centralized government, much like that of in England. While the Federalist favored states-rights and disliked the government of England.

What political party favored free silver in the eightteen hundreds?

The Democratic Party In campaigning for The Election of 1896, William Jennings Bryan supported silver, rather than the gold standard, which William McKinley supported. McKinley won the election.

War Hawks elected to Congress?

War hawks being elected to congress refers to the election in 1810. The hawks were young Republicans who favored going to war against Britain.

Related questions

Did the founding fathers favor capitalism?

The Founding Fathers favored "capitalism" in that they disliked and fought against the British Empire enforcing strict taxation of and control over American products and trade. At the time of the Revolution, of course, there was not the prevalence of huge corporations, global financial institutions and large scale investment. However, the Founding Fathers, favored merchants, farmers and anyone else who worked for their own profit.

What is a sentence with the word 'monarchy'?

The monarchy of Elizabeth I was far different from the monarchy of Elizabeth II.

What are the differences between our government now and the Founding Fathers' government?

The Founding Fathers envisioned a government that would exist solely for their furtherance of the rights of the citizens. They probably wouldn't have liked the strong arm of the government our country has now. The NSA scandal would have been appalling to them, and may have elicited another revolution. As many of the Founding Fathers favored an isolationist stance, our current involvement in Middle Eastern affairs would not have been welcomed.

In the election of 1844 James K. Polk annexation.?


What was the US currency the was favored-favored by the president in office in the gilded age?

Precious metals

What party favored states' rights on the 1828 election?

The Democratic-Republican party

Who was the President who favored regulation of business and prosecution of trusts?

President Taft

Who was the US president who thought he had lost the election and actually won?

Woodrow Wilson probably had serious doubts in 1916. The Republican candidate , Charles Evans Hughes, was heavily favored by those who predict elections and the election was tipped by late returns from California. Wilson likely thought he would lose when he went to bed on election night.

Who was the US president who favored the annexation of Texas in 1844?

President James Polk

In the presidential election of 1924 the progressive party favored?

the rights of unions to bargain collectively

Minimal reconstruction was favored by?

President Abraham Lincoln

Who as President favored jelly beans?

Ronald Reagan